Adding to our family/jungle...

Tomorrow, Friday, I pick up our newest family member! I found her at a breeder in Mass and I just couldnt pass her up. Problem is: We can not come up with a name!!

So far our ideas are:


OP (Optimus Prime - DJs idea of course)



Help! If anyone has any better ideas let me know!!

Call her Slingblade.

I have a yorkie also. They are fun as hell

Surprisingly, DJ did not kill me when I told him. They are just soo cute. How was potty training? I read it can be a pain with Yorkies…

what a pansey little dog…
Rambo is gonna eat it…

Ohh shhh! Rambo oves our cats so it will just be like another cat (to rambo) :slight_smile:

lol cool pup! +1 vote for optimus.

when u put peanut butter on ur nuts, anything is fun


She looks like a Bella to me.


i’m all about naming animals after a different animal lately.

my sister use to have a female Rot named Kitty. haha

were you at the lot monday night?

Havent been to the lot in like 2 years

nevermind then

I have a Yorkie as well named Molly, she’s 11 months and still goes to the bathroom every once in a while in the house. She’s actually usually pretty good about letting you know when she needs/wants to go out. A buddy of mine’s sister has 3 Yorkies and she trained them somehow to go to the bathroom on the same little towel in their garage everytime.

Fun little dog for sure. :lol
I vote for Bella or Reese

please dont name if dolce, thats such a gay name, the dog is already lacking, dont make it worse for the poor thing

Immediate man card revocation.

1 more for OP!

Sorry, for trying to be a little more formal than saying “takes a shit and pisses”.

I’m sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of how gay you and your car(s) are.