Adding to our family/jungle...

I kinda ruled Dolce out on my own because I could not see DJ yelling it. lol.

I think we need a K20 vs. Bennyfizzle thread in the battlefield

It’s been done

OP is pretty good…

My sister inlaws mother had a Yorkie named Bella. Unfortunately the dog thought she was huge and went after two dogs that were on leashes and got tore up and ended up dying from her injuries despite $10k of vet bills.

Someone just offered the suggestion of Megatron on the other forum…which would give me the option of calling her Meg

Hey that was me! haha DO IT RIS!

hahaha Megatron is good.

you were there last summer.

Dammit Ris,I cant think of a name on this forum either.:banghead

Correction Elliot - DJ was there & I was getting drunk @ O’tooles with your sister


wow, mood killer right there