New addition to the family

I just picked up this cutie ! He is a pit-bull/jack russell mix, hes 8 weeks old Cute as hell, and our other dog mojo hates him already hahaha, the new puppy is chasing him around lol, we have not picked a name yet, but I will let ya know when we do

let us pick the name!

i vote Shaniqua.

I was thinking maybe turbo, I dunno hes really hyper tho lol

what about brown eye:rofl/////dont worry jack and pit it wont be hyper:shifty

So it wont jump on everything and bite everything?


cute dog

wrong he is very very hyper and bites everything lol

it was a joke ,hard notice sarcasm on a comp

:rofl im sdtill half asleep lol

JR mixed with anything is jumpy.

At a hair salon I deliver to the hot owner has a Jack Russell and Pug mix (called a Jug) and its really friendly but very hyper and jumps all over me. One time he stole my glove.

Awesome dog. I miss havin a dog we had 4 back when I lived in cincinnati. A black lab, a boxer and 2 pit bulls.

I vote Sparco on the name haha

How about “Mugen”? Or “J’s Racing”?

i was thinking mugen too lol and call him “mugs” for short lol

WINNAR!! :rofl


we named him Maximus, or Max for short :slight_smile:


lol, mugen just didnt fit him lol, nice name but hes got a sophisticated look to him

Cute puppy and good name too.

Now you need another dog named Optimus.