I can has a new dog

so we picked up a Shepherd/Hound mix… she is 8 weeks old

no name yet…

this was taken when we picked her out we get her this weekend

more pic to come


You don’t have enough kids that you needed a friggen dog too?

Cute lil pup. :tup: Should be interesting to see how it looks as it grows.


lol i need something to do

awww puppah awww



you just need to stop posting


nice dog i just bought 2 Westies from a Breeder. Now I have a Safari full of animals at my house

very cute, nice find

:tup: I found a dog the other day, but I gave it to the SPCA because he didn’t have a name tag!! Put your address and his name on his collar asap!! I would have drove ~2 hours to return him to his house but no… !! ugh