adjustable tension rod opinion

hi, i was look on ebay and found some front adjustable tension rods going for US$110
how does this effect ride quality since it is a metal to metal contact at the pillow ball mount?
and does it improve handling, if so, how?
and any opinions about them is greatly appreciated

nobody has them?

they are ok, not great.

the rod ends are not teflon lined.

you can upgrade to other bearings if you have the right supplier.

i can get you those very TC rods for a bit cheaper if you consider the international shipping and customs.

I’ve got a set of cusco ones (big bling) they’re very nice tightens up the front quite a bit when cornering. There’s a significant difference over stock, but like Bing essentailly said, you get what you pay for and nothing more. So cheap parts are going to fail and you wont be happy with them. Get Bing’s they are nice and a decent price too !