Adobe CS3 and Lightroom masters enter

So I have no idea why, but CS3 won’t open my .NEF (RAW Nikon files) from my camera. They open in Lightroom, but not CS3.

for some, I just want to be able to open them, and save them as JPEGs. How can I do this?


Never tried using a raw image, but under “open” in CS3, it’s showing at as a compatible format.

I can give it a shot for ya if need be

ok I figured out how to convert the RAW images in lightroom to JPEG.

But it still will not let me open my .NEF files directly in CS3. If I open them in lightroom first, and choose to edit them through there to CS3, it opens. WTF.

Hey while we’re talking about it, how the hell does light room file management work?

I import a folder, make some changes to some pictures. Then what? How do I save the changes back to said folder? Export it?

I like my file, open, edit, save, done. :frowning:

Yeah I just started using Lightroom today… so I have nothing for you at the moment.

I’m going to mess with it more though so I’ll try to figure that out.

You have to import the file, make your changes and then export, a bit of a PITA but I enjoy LR and it never bothered me

Paulo NEF’s open fine for me directly with CS3, IDK what its doing to you, or what you did to it for that matter

post one up and let us TRY…???

I don’t think it’s the files. It’s friggen weird. Everyone I’ve talked to is able to open .NEF files directly in CS3.

change the file association to the correct CS3 program?