Raw Formatt File?-CRW

well i took a bunch of black and white pics straight off my cam in NYC and all of the B&W pics were set as a raw format on the camera. and i cannot actually open them to full size. how come?. also i had to select the program(microsoft picture veiwer) to even get them to open.

Camera is a cannon S70

so how can i get them full size like a regular pic?

I’m pretty sure photoshop CS2 can do it (atleast I read an article not long ago about it). Not positive though… havent used raw picture formats before

Photoshop can usally do it, I’ve used version 7 to do it for a few games.

I’d be surprised if The GIMP isn’t able to work with them… If you hate the interface to The GIMP, check out GIMPShop. You can download it here: http://care2x-plugins.sourceforge.net/gimpshop_2.2.8_setup.exe

what is RAW though?

I believe raw is how the image actually goes into the camera before it’s “made” digitaly inside the camera. So the quality/color/ect is actually superior to the images the camera “produces”. Thats about all I know though, read about it in a photography mag a year or so ago.

I think it’s almost like what a negitive is to film camera

Raw means the quality hasn’t been fucked with… JPEG’s actually have quality loss compared to a raw or lossless compression technique (ex PNG)

I think raw is in uncompressed TIFF format. Photoshop as well as some viewers like ACDSee32 can open them.

is there program that is not the size of phot shop that i can use?

