photoshop help!ASAP

everytime i create a psd or a pdf file in photoshop and save it,

if i go and try and opean it back up it says

could not opean because of program error??

anyone else ever have this happen its killing me i cant get any work done??/

help!! :eek4: :doh:

ah you have alot of programs running when ur trying to save/open it? Im sure you alrdy tryed restarting the comp. ahh… reinstall?

all programs shut down…expect for photoshop

tried restart and tried reinstalling!!!

invalid file associations.

when you save, click file - save as then change the file type to .jpeg

then double click and they’ll open.

if you can’t figure it out… email me the files

but if i save them as jpeg i cannot go back into photoshop and change them because jpeg will not allow to save as layers

i need to save them as .psd photoshop doc

paint shop pro > photoshop.


ordering adobe suite package>owns all my problems!

when you reinstalled did you uninstall then install?

or did you uninstall, reboot, install?

yeah i unsatlled it reboot then install.

im gonna try it againb today