ADT Security System Salesman Charged With Raping Woman

wow, I guess she should have had a home security system?

TAMPA – The security system salesman charged with forcing his way into a Tampa home and raping a woman was denied bond on all charges Sunday.
Rashad Hales, 19, of Tampa, is charged with attempted first-degree murder, kidnapping, sexual battery, armed burglary with battery and depriving a victim of calling 911.
According to the Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office, Hales was legitimately employed by Secure Watch, an authorized dealer for ADT security systems, as a neighborhood salesman.
Deputies said that about 5:50 p.m. Friday, Hales knocked on the door of the victim’s residence to solicit business.
The victim opened the door and told Hales her fiance was at a friend’s house and that he handled those matters.
A short while later, deputies said, Hales returned and again knocked on the door. When the victim answered, Hales told he had spoken to her fiance about signing up.
The victim tried to close the door, but Hales grabbed her wrist, preventing her from closing the door. He pushed his way inside and locked the door, the deputies’ report said.
Deputies, based on the victim’s account, said Hales began beating and strangling the victim with his hands and an electrical cord.
All the while, deputies said, Hales told the victim he should kill her.
Hales eventually forced the victim to a back bedroom, where he held and raped her, deputies said.
Hales then forced the victim to the kitchen, where he armed himself with a kitchen knife, and, while holding a knife to the victim’s throat, threatened to kill her if she told anyone.
Hales took the victim’s cell phone a fled on foot.
The victim’s boyfriend arrived home shortly after the attack and called 911. Patrol deputies, K-9 and Air Service responded and set up a perimeter.
A short time passed, and deputies spotted the suspect running.
Deputies with K9’s tracked Hales and, after a brief foot chase, he was captured in the parking lot of a Shell Gas Station, located at 11203 Sheldon Road, Tampa.
The neighborhood in question was located a few blocks from the gas station, deputies said.
Deputies told Bay News 9 that the gas station was a meeting pointed for all the contracted sales people and that Hales went there and told his co-workers the police were after him. His co-workers held him until law enforcement arrived.
Detectives said Hales admitted to the crime in an interview and said he regretted only that he did not kill the victim.
Hales also said he believed the victim would not tell anyone, which is why he did not kill her, detectives said.
The victim was medically cleared and released.

jesus fucking christ

I wonder I’d that shell gas station had e85? On another not I wonder what would happened if the fiancé came home at the time of the rape? I kno I would of blown/beat the shit sensesly out of the rapist. Shit like this makes me sick!

^I can’t imagine what I would do, if someone raped my fiance. Fucking scumbag will probably get some raping in jail.

I think us as people would have a adrenaline rush / kill, I couldn’t not bare to see someone do that to a woman. Hope he forgot to bring the soap on a rope…

Needs to go before Judge Ruger. Runs the court in Remington County. I’ll send him my attorney’s business card. Law offices of Heckler & Koch.

i feel guilty for saying this but i want to see pics of the victim? what could have compelled this guy to double back and rape her like this if he had no priors, which you would have thought would have been mention if he did have them. and he was 19 with a job… seems weird.

also… and i’ve been banned for this on other forums… but i hate it when an article sales rape or sexually assaulted. There needs to be more specifics about this… That Laura Logan case in Cairo was a case in point. From what i understand she was grabbed a couple times and had terrible phrases uttered towards her in the process… but she was an attractive white blonde european chick in the middle of one of the biggest riots in modern times and it was in the middle east… where people actually died… what was she expecting??? so to me the details matter and in that case made the whole thing not that big a deal.

i realize they shouldnt put the details out there about this case but now i always assume the lesser form of the crime. Shit terrible though… dude gonna gets lots of jail

Screw answering the door for random people. Fucking nut jobs.

I don’t think it was random he was trying to sell the service, but hey my reading skills really suck lately…

Logan got fingered so bad she needed reconstructive surgery if I remember the interview on 60 minutes correctly. I do agree the network was foolish to send the pretty white girl there.

i would like to see proof… an article or something, not a picture :slight_smile:

not comparing the cases here, they are fundamentally different, this ADT thing is terrible… my concern is with how vague a word like rape is all of a sudden.

In most cases a rape kit is administered at the hospital to prove that a woman was indeed raped. To be honest though, even if he held her down and just felt her up or something, that is still a brutally traumatic event for anyone. Don’t downplay actions just because it doesn’t sound bad to you based on being desensitized to news stories and crazy internet shit.

Sexual assault is vague, rape is forced penetration.

That’s still random. It’s someone you didn’t invite over to your house and aren’t expecting to come over therefore it’s random regardless of whatever they are selling or preaching.

Haha. The appointment is at 5.56. :slight_smile: