Advice for moving out when in college

At least you live with someone that replaces the damn toilet paper. I used to leave the roll empty to see how long it would take for someone to actually put a new roll back on instead of letting it sit on the floor. I gave up after 3 weeks.

im gonna agree with beck on not moving out. the extra freedom isnt really worth it in my opinion. when i was fulltime for my cadd degree, i was putting in so much time at school getting work done that i was lucky if i got 10 hours in a week at my job. but my program was very involved. i atleast was still able to make enough during semester to get around and work enough between semesters to pay for school. now “continuing education” part time while working. the nice thing about staying at home is i will have zero school debt when done, am able to pay as i go since i dont have that extra +/- 500 a month i have to shell out. instead i just have a much smaller rent i have to pay to my parents, but that money im not paying for an apartment is getting set aside for a house. plus i still have the space and extra cash for the summer toys.

Save your money. It’s fun and all to have freedom and do whatever you want but when the bills and shit comes in, you’ll regret it. I like the fact that I saved a TON of money over the 4 years living at home, rather than blow it on beer and rent.

I disagree. I would never want to move back in with my parents. And my parents live in a great neighborhood in a cool house.

It’s very possible to move out, have freedom and manage your finances. I’ve never once regretted living on campus and in college houses. It was an incredible experience that would have been MUCH different had I commuted.


You also went to UB though lol. I couldn’t even imagine in my worst nightmares how living on campus at Buff State would have been.

That brings a good point though, it is about the experience. What do you want to get out of it type deal.

fuck pussy.

I would be a totally different person had I not lived away from home and off campus. I consider myself a much better person as a whole for having done so.

As for not moving out, I commute now and it blows dick. I really don’t like any bit of it. I’d also probably blow my money on stupid shit like “toys” anyways, so I’d rather spend it on something more substantial. The freedom is worth it imo.

Thanks for the advice guys!

---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

Anyone have a difference in majors be an issue?

Don’t put all the utilities in your name. If you’re going to have 4 people living there try to split them up so each person has something in their name. Then if the roommate situation totally goes to shit and people stop paying their share you’re not stuck with all the bills.

put plastic on the windows in the winter. my house is so drafty that without them our bills would be through the roof.
if you can stand it, we keep our heat at 59 all winter and it keeps our gas bill relatively reasonable.
my rommates are all different majors and its actually awesome because with out different schedules i find myself home alone which makes it 10x easier to get work done.

my worst problem has been the damn driveway. i leave first for work everyday but if i am in the back it takes fifteen minutes to rally the troops to move cars around.
Overall its well worth moving out if you make enough and manage money well. What street are you moving onto? (Im at meech and blaine).

Right now it’s looking like we will be moving onto glendale near humboldt. But I’m still looking at other options too.

live at home, but if you must… dont do budget billing, manage your own budget. Make sure you have an escape plan.