Looking for a place to rent

Me and a friend of mine are looking for a place to live next year(Fall 08-Spring 09)

I currently live in Flint which is great and convenient but 550/month is too expensive.

So, I figured since many of you guys are from buffalo or go to UB I was wondering if you had any input on where to live.

Requirements are not to strict but try to keep it along these guidelines:

  • 2 Bedroom 1 or 2 bath doesn’t matter.
  • NOT near south campus I HATE that area. I prefer somewhere near north but if its kinda far but in a nice area I’d consider it(e.g. Elmwood/main st williamsville)
  • Price under 400/month, preferably around ~300/month

So far all I can think of is Triads. Which I think is around 400/month but I don’t really like it. And Campus Manor which I think is around 300-350/month.

I’m planning on looking around during winter break.

Thanks for the help.

I know you said not by South campus but my buddies have an opeing coming up on the first. It’s $200 a month + utilities which comes to around $290-$300 per month. PM me if you’re interested even though I know you said not near South Campus.

BTW it’s on Englewood.

check some ads online and just ask around. There’s always a bunch of people that signed a year lease for their place and want out.

I have an extra room in my house, but we probably have someone taking it for next semester. I live near Maple/Bailey

Yea south campus places are real tempting because a lot of them end up being 200-300/month but I just can’t see myself living down there.

As for moving in with someone else thats not really an option for me. I’m looking for a 2 person apartment for me and a friend.

I’ll keep an eye out for anything available.

300 a month per person?

300 a month per person is REAL cheap. All the best finding something. Wish I could help.

Still got your MR2?

550 is all that flint costs? thats cheap as fuck I thought it was like 1K+?

you’re not really going to find anything that is sub 550 with utilities unless you want to go live in the hood

edit: for what its worth, we just moved out of our apartment in kenmore, was 595/mo+ gas/electric which between the two was about 200/mo. if you want i can get you the contact info for the insane realtor that is renting it out

Move to Williamsville… tons of houses for $550 a month. Unfortunately they look like this:



Move to Williamsville… tons of houses for $550 a month. Unfortunately they look like this:



is that yer house?

i mean it looks exactly like it i am just confused because the front door is closed and i don’t see any wildlife going in or out of the windows

Thats place is fookin schweet


is that yer house?

i mean it looks exactly like it i am just confused because the front door is closed and i don’t see any wildlife going in or out of the windows


Nah dude, thats the house I’m hoping to move into. :carnut

What area are these houses and are they for sale often. I would totally rock a super old crazy looking place and just make it supa balla inside.


A 2 bedroom on Elmwood will run you from 350-500 without utilities, add at least 150 for heat and electric during the winter.

350-500 for elmwood is seems pretty good. Since it seems like a nice area although far away from campus.

as for flint yea its 550 a month for a 4bedroom, 650 for a 2bdr, I think southlake goes into the 700’s.

looks as though campus manor is my best bet. I think its something like 350.

anybody know anything about the apartments located on chestnut ridge? seems like there are a bunch of different complexes there im going to check those out in a few weeks.


What area are these houses and are they for sale often. I would totally rock a super old crazy looking place and just make it supa balla inside.


That’s exactly what I did



Don’t move into Campus Manor…I made a thread about it a few months ago…it’s AWFUL!!! if you are looking for 3-400/ month per person then I know of a nice place.