WTRent: looking for appartment.

well, im in the market for a new place to live. If anyone know if theres anywhere decent let me know. Price isnt a huge issue but hopefully not over 650/month. Im not too picky but let me know what is available out there. OH YEA, I DONT LIKE NOSY NEIHBORS!!! I keep to myself and dont want neighbors to take offense and hate me just because i didnt say hi and tell them my life story.

Well, I might be able to put you in touch with my boss… He has a couple places on Kenmore, near colvin and a couple on Englewood, close to Kenmore ave. I dont know exactly what is vacant, but I can ask. Most of his stuff is $500-650/month.

I got a place in N buffalo for $550 big, nice, safe…

what about parking/ untilities??? more info please. Are you still living there? I NEED to know because I just recently became addicted to texas holdem.lol

Off street parking…you pay Gas (budget is 16x)/Elect…we can work something out w/ the internet I’m sure…

I live in the downstairs Apt.

you have a PM man… real nice place to live in your budget :tup: