AEM street rough tune

cuz you have a pussy ass fan on it. my little floor house fan could do better than that

Yea tell him mike

Sully is crying right now. He just called me…:lol

Lmao no he didnt

i’m assuming he expected to rebuild everything and have it purr like sean’s lips !!???

he didn’t think he was gonna have any bugs to chase down … lol

No he didnt, that was a totally false claim

Always somethin. Thats the way cars work!

or don’t !!:rofl

Pfft he bitches more then hank does

sully has a vagina

the only bitch I had was GTFO !!! lol

Lmao wheres my dinner bitch

@ the store !!! lmfao

I just got taco bell and smashed sully in the face with the bag full of garbage


awesome! first u fail at life and now this? whats next?

Im not sure, give up?

an hero

it has alot of issues. some of which i know how to fix, and others that I have no clue.

diesel fuel, blow torch, strong alibi.