Africentric SCHOOL!?

First off. Do not take this as me being racist.

Yet, I do think that this is fucking bullshit.


We’ll just make an all white school… Never mind… Scratch that, that’s racist.

they say the drop out rate for black kids in Toronto is at 40% right now

if this school contributes to reducing that figure, i’m totally for it

but we dont know how many at-risk youth are actually enrolled and what impact the school will have on those black youth who are likely to drop out

if it’s simply an alternative school whose students already make up the 60% of non-dropouts, then it’s a waste

How can you segregate them from other people in society, if their kids are brought up to be with African American people only that might damage some of their lives…you cant just make a society with one color of people in CANADA…just my opinion but then again I heard their are Ukrainian only schools I dunno if they do not allow others but yea…

no derek ita not rasicts we should make a white school to but open to black people as i`m sure we could goto this school as well there being kinda racist here not us.

Okay. So the drop out rate for blacks is 40%. The government approves and opens a BLACK ONLY school? What the fuck bullshit is that.
If they can not handle being in school with other races. Get the fuck out of the country.
What is the unemployment rate right now? 20 some odd %? Government can not create jobs for them though. No, better idea is to make a black school.

The thing that fucking pisses me off the most about this bullshit. Is how for decades they have been crying and bitching about being segregated. Well, fucking looky looky. Segregating them selves now.

Canada is a multi-cultural country. Multi-nationalities. What the fuck does anyone NOT understand about that.

Same goes for the Indian community. Segregating them selves in our country.

I just do not see how this is correct. How this is, fair…to native people. (not Indians, just…well you know)

I admit, and this will be blunt.

There are black people and then there are niggers.
There are white people and then there are the red neck bastards.
There are brown people and then there are sand niggers.

EVERY race has it’s down fall. Yet, to live in one country together. Legally, and some what comfortably. Why the fuck segregate yourselves, when you “fought” for so long to be part of this country. To have equality.

I say, go fuck your self. That school should be burnt to the fucking ground.

if the schools were all racially segregated…

there would be fewer…

distracting smells

the government cannot legally make a black only school just like they would have to allow any white people who joined the school, and as for the teaching thing they cannot just hire black teachers thats beiong racist and its against the law lets petition.

Yeah, well. Thats exactly what the government JUST did :/:

Don’t Jewish, Catholics have there own schools?

I see your points, but why get worked up about it? W/E let them do there thing and let it fail.

They dont even have a full school!! There using a wing from some other school. There going to be sharing the yard hahaha Going to be funny when there going to separate themselves.

gonna be one sick ball team.

didn’t the blacks fight to be in the same schools as whites ?? now that want thier own schools !!!
reverse racism at its finest !!!

that is all


I’m only getting “worked up” about it because of the self contradiction they are ensuing.


They shall be a force to be reckoned with!!:cool:

Well, I know where not to park my bicycle anymore :smiley: