November 5, 2006, 11:18am
lol if i ever get rid of this Irocz and get something else, i’ll change my forum name to Mr.Engineer. :bigthumb:
roll race can be done in many ways. proper way is to setup the race before hand to a set speed range. like 45-100…45 mph starting speed to 100mph. you 3 honk the horn, and on the 3rd, the cars go. but this doesnt always happen. most street encounters dont honk or have a set end speed cuz the race is not setup. in this case its hard to say who really wins if the cars are closely matched. but if i was to race you Quik, you’d starting pullin me instantly and just put cars on me. the race is over when i’d realize i cant catch you. the faster car always pulls away and you can usually clearly determine who wins if the race begins even. closely matched cars take it to speeds untill somebody starts pulling…else its a draw cuz usually 140 is the limit. not many go that fast, and i advise not to
OR you can race from one point to another… like roll thru an intersection and take it to the next light, bridge overpass, some monument, etc. i like this method alot.
time to argue once again. the other night on second hook the SS left early while he had the lead that meant he was winner? no cause the TA was relling him in hard and would of sling shotted past him. so again Rollracing means shit