After PRP...

…and yes that truck is faster than me in reality…i know that…is that what everyone wanted to hear!?

lol maybe quicker in the 1/4 mile ET wise, but thats cuz your fwd and he’s awd/rwd. your car rwd would be approaching low 12’s high 11’s too. you got the power, just gotta get it down on the launch. thats were ET’s come from. your mph is up there as evident from the roll race results (and your slip LOL)

finally…someone understands…thank you

put slicks on & u’ll be even with him!:blue:

slicks plus a few more pounds of boost :blue: for a for sure win

how does nascar start their races? they roll race last time i checked. so do they not race?

so if he was RWD he would be low 12s cause of his MPH, now youre really full of shit. were do you go to school at? i need to have a talk with your teachers cause someone is teaching you soem nonsense

cause if you go by what you just said his mph being 112 or so same as my 112 and i went 12.1 theres no way hes making anywhere near the power i am and trapping the same mph i do. thus MPH dont mean shit

im probably pushing just over 100 to the wheels

so if he was RWD he would be low 12s cause of his MPH, now youre really full of shit. were do you go to school at? i need to have a talk with your teachers cause someone is teaching you soem nonsense

cause if you go by what you just said his mph being 112 or so same as my 112 and i went 12.1 theres no way hes making anywhere near the power i am and trapping the same mph i do. thus MPH dont mean shit

you gotta hear me out on this one… i dont like gettin into this discussion cuz i know how u guys think but your thinkin abit off the way i am. its simple physics stuff really.

its not the same power in the sense of peak power. but the same power to weight. you may be making near 400whp and his car making 270whp. but your truck weighs what…4000lbs? his tegra weighs what…2700lbs?

Force = mass * acceleration. or accleration = force/mass. you apply the same force to two objects…one lighter than the other, the force will move the smaller lighter object faster.

thats all i’m saying. thats why the LS2 in a GTO is slower than the LS2 in the vette. vette is lighter.

fwd cars are harder to launch than rwd cars. you know that.
if he goes 12.6 at 115, with a 2.1 60 foot on fwd, he could better that if his car was rwd cuz it will 60 foot better. weight transfers back…and on a fwd car, that is lifting weight off the tires…not good for traction. i seen drag radial fwd cars cuttin high 1.7 low 1.8 60s and running low 12’s at 115ish or w/e. a rwd car that would trap 115 would be cuttin 1.6 60’s and in the mid high 11’s easy

this make any sense??

again a mechanical engineer giving theory out to someone that already knows. actually im 4600lbs and over 4 to wheels. hes like 2500 race weight and probably 270 to wheels. yes HP to weight duh but youre saing if he was RWD he woudl be faster see the issue is you cant just say that cause his platform isnt RWD adn going by mph doesnt mean shit like you think it does. everyone learned at a young age FWD sucked with big wheels. thats why they went to pedal bikes that are RWD. when you had your bigh wheel you didnt get traction what makes you think it will plant well now? so youre arguement is invalid. and youre theory does not apply in real life. also hes boosted big turbos will have a higher mph then a smaller turbo at same speed. look at that one dude that went the same ET and traps 130

if yout cant ET then who cares. ET is where its at MPH is for dyno queens

if a nickel, no, a penny, every time i heard you or quik say that i would be so f*cking rich.

true, there are alot of variables left out… simple swap from fwd to rwd in itself doesnt guarentee shit. your right.
but it is true that FWD dont grip as well. properly setup, the rwd car should and most always will outlaunch similar power to weight fwd cars. i really would love to have some slips to show what i’m saying. examples always help. but look at the aspects of a launch. tire standing rwd cars…the power is transfered tothe ground and the result is a forward thrust that will throw the front end up. all cars experience this… throttle stab your rwd car with soft shocks up front and feel the nose end come up. fwd cars come up to. you seen those 9-10 second hondas with wheelie bars?? now why would they have a wheelie bar?? to keep the front end from coming up…actually pushes down on the front to keep force on the front tires, to keep traction. i’m talkin those 10 second n/a hondas too! properly setup tho, they are capable of launching well… hows 9.5’s at 141 on 1.4 60’s sound? thats using the power well in a fwd car

by allowin the weight transfer, it would make sense to me that his car if rwd would run lower 12’s than what he is doin now cuz he’d launch better. for kicks just look at similar power to weight cars, which i know you dont like to do. if your truck is similar power to weight than him, and your running 12.1 to his 12.6, then look at the 60 foots and see where your rwd setup dominates. but like you said, u cant rreally compare the turbo 4 cyl fwd setup to a n/a w/nitrous rwd car.

well its true…and you get no money so your still poor little boy!

im just a poor little boy driving a peice of jap scrap :dunno:

if u would of read the thread u would of seen this post & the pit stops are from a dig!:kekegay:!

i dont think u drive jap scrap!a fast car is a fast car!(in a race from a dig)

ET as in the movie star??? or does your grammar just suck as much as … well… you?

  1. stfu… way to compare big wheels with pedal bikes :rofl: i’m at least 25IQ points and a few huffs of spray paint dumber from reading your idiotic post… lets not forget that when comparing big wheels to pedal bikes that big wheels had ‘big’ plastic ‘wheels’ whereas bikes have rubber… that helps alot in the traction department, this should take the mysteriousness out of the reasons for choosing one or another… or are you just comparing the last two vehicles you actually purchased for yourself (lol)

… please show me a pedal bike in the ‘fwd’ option or start making more sense with your shitty comparisions…

oh… go you!

i seen a pedal bike in the ‘fwd’ option back in the day!:booty:

Y is it when u starting dating quik u started to post more about this shit n mysterisly now know about this stuff? I think u have a quik’s guide to understanding bullshit on ur nightstand don’t u?:bigok:

are you also astounded at it’s improved traction over a big wheel?

i wrote that assholes!!! they also made rubber wheeled big wheels, also made plastic wheeled bicycles, they also made Fwd bicycles

the fact is, his comparison is invalid and not worth a damm.