Ahaha dumb ass gets zapped


hahahha he is SSsssssSSSSsssssmokin:retardclap

oh my god :rofl

yah i remember seeing that… guy was dead quickk

homeboy’s fucking HEAD WAS ON FIRE.


Haha I told Sean to post this up… Kid at work showed me it. What a GODDAMN stupid motherfucker.

Someone posted this before, one of Singh’s boiz got LIT UP!! :lol

oooooohhh …BURN

thats terrible :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

i say you he dead

Not American, not my problem :lol

haha jesus

Lol, jk obviously, I have a few friends that arent American

I dunno I just find it funny how people can get so riled up over the trooper thing then I look at this video and its all “fuckin retard” type responses.

Trooper: Died doing his job. Served in the forces for THIS country.

Hijad: Died because he wanted to. No remorse here.

Your telling me that the arab guy grabbed that wire purposely?

This guy was stupid enough to climb on the top of a train for no reason, and its common knowledge that wires over there are live.

Trooper died doing his job.

Now before this turns into something heated, let me just say I obviously feel awful for his family and wish it never happened. I would never want that call since my dad was a cop and my brother currently is. Now having said that, I haven’t done a good deal of research about the crash. I heard that he was not going to a call, passed a car in a non-passing zone with no lights or sirens… can anyone verify or dispute this?