ahhh to be a billionaire [SLR]


Meh, even if i had $1 trillion dollars, that’d be the farthest thing from the last item I’d buy.

so it would be the first item you’d buy?

Who came up with that crap about the 1600hp quad turbo v10?



That’s just silly. At least he knows no one will dare fuck with it in his country.

What is the furthest from last?

1/4 mile in 6.89 secs :lol:

id like to see this 6.89sec 1/4 mile. lol

:picard: It’s just a stock SLR with the same Chrome paintjob that was on the M3. Where do people come up with this shit?

just a little sarcasm goin on in that page :bloated:


idc if that thing has a 1.5L in it, white gold or aluminum foil or whatever, its fucking baller as fuck

Ridiculous :tdown:

I like it.

i dont like it. never really did

i was thinking the same thing!

me too

Me too, I’d buy a Highlander.

It’s an identical platform to that hotel story. They took pictures of a 5 star hotel and posted something stupid like “Look at what your gas prices pay for.” Trying to convince us it was a 500 room mansion some “Middle-Eastern Oil Billionaire” built for no reason other than to piss us off.

edit: WOW this website is stupider than shit. It must have been made by a 12 year old conspiracy theorist.