AIM punk'd by yours truly

this girl is so silly…for those that dont know my work has sent me to the philippines a few times for work…

MICAH (12:44:33 PM): Hi
GIRL (12:44:39 PM): whad up
MICAH(12:44:45 PM): was just ina conf call
MICAH(12:44:47 PM): for an hour
GIRL(12:44:52 PM): oh so fun!
MICAH(12:44:57 PM): and if i hear “outside of the box” one time i will throw my computer out the window
GIRL(12:45:06 PM): hahaha
GIRL(12:45:12 PM): we have to look t the bigger picture here
MICAH(12:45:18 PM): hahah yes
GIRL(12:45:21 PM): what are you trying to look outside the box about?
GIRL(12:45:26 PM): maybe i can help!
MICAH(12:45:34 PM): its a process improvement
MICAH(12:45:37 PM): a work flow issue
GIRL(12:46:18 PM): ok
MICAH(12:50:57 PM): so no u cannot help i am SORRy
GIRL(12:51:40 PM): its alright
MICAH(12:52:05 PM): but i said a lot during the call and figuredddd it all out
MICAH(12:52:17 PM): i need philippines to hire 5 temps to do some work!

GIRL(12:52:28 PM): hahaha
MICAH(12:56:09 PM): but the kids are like 12
MICAH(12:56:13 PM): i have to wait til they are 13
MICAH(12:56:16 PM): ugh
GIRL(12:56:43 PM): WHAT?!
GIRL(12:56:51 PM): you want 13 year olds to do work for you guys?
MICAH(12:57:00 PM): well 13 is the min age
MICAH(12:57:07 PM): but the kidsthat are in training are only 11 and 12
GIRL(12:57:56 PM): what the ll kinda of company are you involved in over there
GIRL(12:57:59 PM): that doesnt seem right
MICAH(12:58:21 PM): well its legal in their country, but not in ours , i think, its just typing though, not like, sewing
GIRL(12:58:37 PM): nice
GIRL(12:58:38 PM): very nice
MICAH(12:58:52 PM): but the 12 hour shifts might be a problem at somepoint
MICAH(12:59:08 PM): when i was over there i would bring them water from time to time, keep their spirits HIGH
GIRL(12:59:26 PM): wow…thats just crazy
GIRL(12:59:29 PM): they work 12 hour days?
GIRL(12:59:35 PM): for what? like 50 cents a day?
MICAH(12:59:38 PM): well 12 hour nites, from 8PM to 8AM
MICAH(12:59:50 PM): i think its about $1100 a year
GIRL(1:00:20 PM): oh man
GIRL(1:00:42 PM): thats like a little over a dollar a day
MICAH(1:00:43 PM): they have these things tying them to their stations, but its not like metal chains, its like a rope
MICAH(1:00:50 PM): yea its cheap there though to buy food though
GIRL(1:00:59 PM): WHAT?! are you serious about this?
MICAH(1:01:03 PM): like 30 cent hamburgers
MICAH(1:01:25 PM): i lived like a KING there
MICAH(1:02:16 PM): im def not serious about any of this, u got punk’d
GIRL(1:03:12 PM): oh man…because i would like hate you
GIRL(1:03:18 PM): i lost a little bit of respect for you
MICAH(1:03:26 PM): im just testing ur new blonde hair thats all
MICAH(1:03:38 PM): u silly goose i would never support that
MICAH(1:03:50 PM): if i went over there id set them all FREE! and then give each of thema dollar
GIRL(1:04:50 PM): hahaha
GIRL(1:04:54 PM): for a humburger!
MICAH(1:06:01 PM): haha yes
GIRL(1:06:16 PM): nice
MICAH(1:06:29 PM): that was great
MICAH(1:06:55 PM): btw whats a humburger
GIRL(1:07:38 PM): hahaha the better than a hamburger
MICAH(1:07:50 PM): wat

cliff notes on allthatshitbyyou.jpg?

U SO FUNNY MICAH@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!@!@!@#!@#!@!@#


this is where I could tell she was blonde

Nice touch lol :clap:

yea i lol’d at her math too

lame. your shit stinks micah.

this was also pathetic:

MICAH(12:59:50 PM): i think its about $1100 a year
GIRL(1:00:20 PM): oh man
GIRL(1:00:42 PM): thats like a little over a dollar a day

They must have a different calendar in southeast asia.

you are lame cuz u reposted a post u G

keep listening to mariah carey, i have SCREEN SHOTS

nah because they work 12 hour days instead of 8 - it makes the year 1.5 times longer



I listen to that shit. Whitney Houston, Celine Dion too. If the artist has an insane voice, why not appreciate it? :cjerk:

It’s not my fault your thread was weak :nono:

ur threads are much bettAr

Haha I can’t remember the circumstance which made me post that.



Perfectly acceptable response… IF YOU HAVE A VAGINA!!


HAHAHAHA well Micah does really like to sleep with feminine people.

