hey guys
i put a momo steering wheel on my 95 240 and obviously the air bag light came on. how can i bypass the drivers air bag so the modual still thinks there is one in there. i know on demestics you put a resistor across the air bag terminal wich is the same resistance as what the manufacture says
the air bag is. not on nissans!!
i even tride an 1157 bulb didnt work.
any suggestions, please help me
u can take a piece of black tape and cover it…or take out the air bag light bult from clusher…~
did you know that it’s illigal to put an aftermarket steering wheel without airbag on a car that came airbag equipped from the factory?
It is illegal to remove any product from a car that is put in for safety purposes.
IE. Seatbelts, DRL’s (IIRC), Airbags
Why you would want to lose your airbags is beyond me.
Anyways, you might want to chech if there is a specific fuse for the airbag, if there is just remove it and you should be set.
That’s how you prevent the light from going on in the first place. You’re supposed to disconnect the battery, take off the old wheel, put the new wheel on and wire in your resistor, then reconnect the battery and turn the car on. What it’s done now is tell the ECU that there is a malfunction in the airbag. It doesn’t matter what you do with resistors or even re-connecting the old wheel now, the ECU will continue to transmit a trouble code and set off the warning light.
At this point you have a few options:
(Simplest) Disconnect the light. The ECU will still be sending a trouble code, you just won’t have the light to show it.
Wire in a resistor and reset the ECU.
Since, as Pavel said, it’s illegal to remove the airbag from a car that comes so-equipped from the factory, you might want to consider putting your old wheel back on, undoing anything you did, and then resetting the ECU. It’s up to you…
Or, as yashin said, you could try disconnecting the fuse if there is one specifically for the airbags (I’m not sure about this, as I have a '90 myself, and haven’t had any reason to check on any of the other 240’s I’ve worked on), although I’m not sure if this will turn the light off or just give the ECU another reason to complain.
I have said this before… I wear glasses to drive… and i’m not exactly 6’… dunno about you but i dont need a bag exploding in my face at an insane speed. Id rather take my chances with just a seat belt than be blinded. But that’s just me.
First off guys, YOU CAN REMOVE YOUR AIR BAG. I have had a momo steering wheel on my car for over a year, been stopped by the pigs a billion times, and all they asked is if my horn works (which it does). In fact, i installed 2 caddy horns after hearing how crappy the jap horn was, but thats another thread…
anyway, there was an article in Novembers 2003 edition of sport compact, which states (and i will type it word for word)
AIR BAGS - another surprise is that you’re free to replace your OEM airbag equipped steering wheel with an aftermarket, racing-type (airbag free) wheel. Your insurance company, however, might be a little upset.
page 24, NICE AND LEGAL, by Phil Parker
and i pulled my cluster, took the air bag bulb out, and kicked it across my street (that thing gets freakin annoying).
^^^^I don’t know if the rules have changed since then, correct me if I am mistaken.
SCC is published out of California. Are Canadian laws IDENTICAL?
I have hit a air bag with glasses befor. My glasses flew off befor i hit it. I was also wereing a hat and it flew too. And I didn’t even get whiplash. By the way them seat bealt sholder pads work good too. No seatbeld marks either.
I was in the pasngers seet and got hit head on, on my side at 90kph in an integra.
It’s perfectly legal to drive a car that came stock with airbags, without them. But it’s illegal to sell a car without airbargs if it came equipped with airbags from the factory.
So in other words, as long as you’re not selling the car, you can drive without the airbag without a problem. Just make sure you or someone qualified puts the airbag back in when you’re selling the car. Not doing so can be considered attempted murder.
^^^As said above, there is no legal issue until the car is re-sold. The big issue is with insurance. If you are in an accident and you receive injuries to your upper body, they can (and probably will) revoke coverage and you’ll be paying for everything out of pocket. That includes hospital bills, emergency services (ambulance bill is $50), and repairs to your car and any other property damage.
Actually, hospital bills are paid by OHIP, provided you have a valid health card. Everything else, you pay. Insurance companies can be very anal about these things. Make sure you get it right with them first, or figure out a way of avoiding the mess when it all happens.
RE: Your Airbag Light thats stuck on use a piece of Electrical Tape and cover the Light.
the magazine is called sport compact national, it is a canadian magazine, and had some good information in there (plus a strawberry faced s13 on the cover). that article i typed was on the recent changes to the Ontario highway traffic act in specific.
another tip they mentioned is that cops have the right to inspect ANY vehicle they feel may be modified. And if you don’t comply, they can slap you with a $1000.00 fine.
why don’t you pull your cluster out to get that light off?