Back again, bakery style! Some of these cars were hitting 200pmh. This time around there were also bikes!
This is the new video for Airstrip Attack 8. I posted #5 on here, but not #7 , hopefully some of you guys saw it. This new one is about 14mins long but I think its well put together. If you can watch it on your big screen with the surround sound on!
Check it out and let me know what you think, good or bad.
HAHA 4k is a joke! Don’t be fooled into thinking that higher resolution, is better. It’s all about the color depth! Resolution doesn’t matter if the color depth and quality don’t match!
Yep, on a 4K. I agree about the colors but I like to be able to pause and see the high quality stills too
I can only imagine how much time it takes to edit these clips. When I used to film I had ONE source camera and it would take a long time. You have multiple GoPros, Drone, etc. I definitely appreciate the amount of work that goes into making a video like this :tup: