Is this place still open? Looking to have a party for a buddy there but their website just says “AJ’s Is Closed, Thank You” Anybody have any info?
Im assuming they went out of business. Not too many repeat customers after you sink 30 bones into a 15 minute race.
You couldn’t figure out what was going on from the one liner on the website? lol
lol I figured as much, I drive by there often but it’s hard to figure out if the cars are for AJ’s or the carpet place up front.
Yea I have driven by and there is a for sale sign on the place…
Curious what they did with the cars
Sold them for $600 a kart. Went there with a buddy but all they had left were kiddie karts.
they closed. we got their track at our place
Yeah they closed. My uncle was a regular and he found out awhile back. It really WAS too expensive.
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23.5 get at me. That was a good spot for winter time, you could drink some beers at the bar then go race!
Holy fucking shit, you are a dumb mutherfucker. I went to a place today and it said “Out of business” Anyone have any idea if they are still in business?
Morning Krant.
saw this coming. Went one time and said I wouldnt go again unless prices went down. Not worth paying that much to drive a go-kart for that short of time.
I used to pay 70 or 90 for the month unlimited I cant remember exactly now, it wasn’t bad though.
That’s not cheap, but at the same time people spend 30 or 35 to autocross and that only gets you about 5-7 minutes of actual seat time and costs you most of a Sunday in time to get it. $30 for 15 minutes of timed wheel to wheel racing looks like a bargain then.
I think the bigger problem is people just get bored with it and stop coming back. It’s the same 6 or so turns over and over.
That sucks.
I went there a few times and still had 2 races left on my card.
You must really hate NASCAR :lol:
IMO, the track is just not fast enough
I’ve been to several other cart tracks that are comparable and it was much funner with bigger turns that toss your body around.