Ak's/Skunk's Going Away Goodbye Gathering 9/13:

Ugh im getting sick but the juggernaut will be there no matter what even if i have to lean on my pimp cane to get around :bloated:

O noes Charlez

yey…tomorrow night! :slight_smile:



well i’ll be there then for anyne that wants to party i’ll be heading to La Luna for 11-12 power hour

i’m not gonna stay out super late cause i gotta work in the AM…but tonight should be fun

for anybody not coming out tonight… come out sat.


Yep we shall be duurrrr and I dont have ot work in the AM!

hmmmmm… i might be down for this. My buddy joe will be there… his GF is the DJ there on wed nights, and i keep telling him i’ll head up one of these days… but tonight is the last wed… so i may have to go :smiley:

I can’t believe you are really leaving :cry: tonight should be fun though!!

I’ll swing by O tonight. Gonna miss you Skunk. :cry:

yayyyyy Rons coming!

geez…i know…i cant believe im hitting the road tomorrow…craziness…should be a fun long trip…

but…its starting to slowly hit me that im really leaving… going to miss you guys soO muchO much! :frowning:

i’m not gonna miss anybody…FUCK BUFFALO

:stuck_out_tongue: just playinnnnnnn

i’m gonna miss a lot you guys too

i will be there.


ill try swing by…depends what time me & spence get back from my birthday dinner. :slight_smile:

ill try to swing by…depends what time me & spence get back from my birthday dinner. :slight_smile:

I’ll stop up :tup:

I can’t make it :(. But I bid you farewell and goodluck!