Ak's/Skunk's Going Away Goodbye Gathering 9/13:

ill be there in a wheelchair with an IV hooked up for this ebola virus ive managed to catch :tup:

can’t make it tonight (work) but… i’ll be out saturday.

take care ak… i’ll catch you around in the future…have a great trip “home!”


awww Kristen! thanks…you know that you and Jon are welcome to come up and visit when you need a vacation some time other than NJ :stuck_out_tongue:

mike…you got ebola?! damn…feel better hun…hope to see you for even 5 min…if you come out, you are my hero and a trooper! lol…euro style :lol:


Akvile I don’t think I’m going to be able to seeeee you before you leave. Good luck in Seattle and with school. :slight_smile:

aight… i’ll be there around 9ish… going to see a movie first

anyone intrested in dinner there? earlier?

ill prolley roll in

ill get drun kand puke in a boz and mail it to u skunk



I <3 you.


so thats it…hitting the road in the morning… crazy.

I am going to miss you all very much…but a smaller, closer group of you even more so…

I want to thank you all…meant a lot to see and talk and laugh about old times with you guys/girls.

Thank you everyone for coming and all the warm wishes…

See you again soon my friends…i’ll be back to visit in no time. XO :frowning: :slight_smile: :wave:

Mikey…I <3 you too!

drive safely… best of luck

Rock on AkyV!!!

I wish I was there but here I am in the Residence Marriott Beachwood :frowning:

I will go out and pour some liquor for you :stuck_out_tongue:


OMAGGGGGGGGGGGGGg what a random night aft4er OOOOO

ok bed time… work in the AM

Jesus H. Christ Joe, your grammar is BEYOND astounding.

Anyways, good seeing you all tonight. Best of luck in all your future endeavors (Akvile and Skunk).

couldn’t make it, but i’m sure it was a good time. good luck to the both of you!

the famous last words.

LOL v.howie

Everyone left early :frowning:

Big :tup: to Aaron for doing the stoplight! :smiley:

hahaha yeah what a fun night…that was only a precursor to what is going to go down on Sat night!

and AK you better hurry back…there isn’t going to be anyone left living in Buffalo soon