listening to some lectures today by Alan Watts, and this clip i really enjoy, talks about how people miss the point of life, where people dont live in the now.

He does a lot of Eastern translation, on Taoism, Buddhism, and more… i listen to his stuff a lot. there is a lot of audio @ if you feel like listening to any of his stuff…

Wow. I’ll definitely be listening to more of him.



FRY i have a LOT of mp3s on my comp… i think like 20-30 hours worth

Where do you get his stuff? I just downloaded everything from the website you linked.

a lot of it is from radio stations that played his lectures throughout the years…
of course u can buy the CDs but i doubt i will

you might be able to rent some DVDs as well…

edit: but maybe from a library, ive seen a few

Bump. I just started listening to some of his stuff while walking the dog. Really cool. Good stuff. Kind of funny too. He mixes dry sarcasm in with his lectures on eastern philosophy.

nice nice, i still have a lot more to listen to still, but lately ive started to overlap lectures… all good though

just posting to be the 4th person in this thread

there’s gotta be more & better than the link you posted, sounds like erich fromm

gonna start chasing it down, if you have more that you can xfer to me tho… :wink:

bump cuz aaron loves alan watts

Wow I like this guy.

i listened to a lecture over the weekend, where he spoke to a group of psychologists… quite INTRIGUING

wow, i like it.