Alaskan senator calls Mexicans "wet backs"

This is causing a stir in the news;

“I used to own - my father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 to 60 wet backs to pick tomatoes,” Young said in the interview. “You know it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It’s all done by machine.”

Read more: Latino | Fox News

My hero

That’s juan hell of a slip up.

He’s old and apparently doesn’t give a fuck lol.

I don’t see the issue…

He’s telling the truth.

Most people in politics don’t.

Webite not working. Calling it like it is from my viewpoint.

Another quote from him

During a high school assembly in 1994, Young was answering questions about cutting federal funding for the arts that he said had funded “photographs of people doing offensive things,” and “things that are absolutely ridiculous.” When asked for an example of such “ridiculous” and “offensive things,” Young quickly replied, “Buttfucking.”


ohhh my fuck. legend.

:rofl holy shit hahaha

my new hero

:crackup :bowdown

Type in w3tb@ck where the ***'s are for the article. Of course, replace 3 and @ with e and a.

That was a long ass swim