Albany: As Seen On Jalopnik

Thats beyond fucked up. The poor girl wakes up, torn the fuck up, risking getting pregnant or contracting some std from those scumbags. Thats just god damn fucked up. I am sure it cant be too hard to get word of who was involved in that, and I hope to hell she takes them to court. For all the guys I am sure standing around letting that happen, what a bunch of shit head pussys. If I were there and saw that shit happen, mark my word I would go ape shit and fuck them up and get the girls out of there. Mark my word, if I have a daughter and that ever happened to her, I would be that guy on the news caught kidnapping the guys that had anything to do with it and dropping them off unconscious at an all womens maximum security prison with his pants around his ankles.

And dont play the card, she had what was coming for her. Underage drinking, and putting yourself in the situation (mass riot shit show party) is dumb enough and all… but getting raped while your unconscious is not on the same page at all.

Dude, I thought better of you man. If you were apart of it, you should have kept it to yourself, this isnt something to brag about at all. NOBODY that had anything to do about that is some college hero. GPA has ZERO to do with social, moral and maturity skills. Your all assholes for partaking in what you did, doesnt matter if your a wallflower in the background or the dude jumping on the roof of the car. What if your car was there and got fucked up?

Honestly I hope the cops (which they are) supina the 40 kids already arrested and take the videos they have and simply match up faces to names and hand out disorderly conduct, underage drinking, criminal vandalism, etc to each and every one they can. Who the fuck cares if it takes a year to accomplish and filter you all through courts.

BTW, for all the cool kids thinking its no big deal kicking the shit out of the cars. All those cars are worth more than $1000, and therefor caused more than $1000 in damages per person. Just the vandalism is a class D felony. Ask Anthony Bruschi what that got him when he did it to my car. It will be hard to keep a decent GPA for 1-3 years in prison.