Girl raped on UB North Campus...

Hey guys,
I just got home and my sis told me that an email went around last night to UB peeps about a girl being raped on UB North and for everyone to watch out.

I didnt get the email but I guess it was a grey full sized car.

Everyone plz keep a look out. I guess if anyone see/saw/knows anything tell the Amherst/UB police.

She was taken from the LaSalle lot and raped in a stone parking lot on Saint Ritys Ln. at Lake Salle


Here’s the email:


Gerald W. Schoenle Jr.

Chief of Police

University at Buffalo

This date at approximately 5:00 PM a University at Buffalo Student was forcibly pushed into a vehicle in a parking lot in the vicinity of Lake LaSalle. The victim was driven to the area of the chapel on frontier and the assault occurred in a gravel parking lot. University Police are looking for two suspects described as follows:

Suspect #1 (the driver) is a white male with short brown hair, sideburns and a

hoop style earring in his right ear.

Suspect #2 (passenger) wore a black ski mask, dark nylon jacket, tan boots.

Suspect vehicle is describe as a 4-door, full size, grey car with rust around the passenger rear wheel well, a grey cloth interior, and the gear shifter is on the column. The vehicle also had a UB hang tag.

Anyone with any information is requested to please call the University Police at 645-2222.

Please remember there is always safety in numbers. Call the University Police to report any suspicious activities and please us the Safety Escort Program. Call 829-2584 for information.

I hope they kill the guys

And then of course some dumb ass media professor hit reply all with:

Dear Chief Schoenle:

It would be very helpful if we could have a campus wide assault prevention and safety training day. It seems to me that the UB community as well as the city of Buffalo have become exceptionally unsafe and that all would benefit from such a proactive measure.

Thank you,

Caroline Koebel
Assistant Professor
Department of Media Study
The University at Buffalo, SUNY

I’m all for action, but for some reason that email just screams weaksauce to me. Maybe because it’s requesting a big action with no offer of involvement or something…


I hope they kill the guys



[quote=“University Police Warning,post:2,topic:39739"”]


[CENTER][SIZE=2]Gerald W. Schoenle Jr.
[CENTER]Chief of Police
[CENTER]University at Buffalo
This date at approximately 5:00 PM a University at Buffalo Student was forcibly pushed into a vehicle in a parking lot in the vicinity of Lake LaSalle. The victim was driven to the area of the chapel on frontier and the assault occurred in a gravel parking lot. University Police are looking for two suspects described as follows:

Suspect #1 (the driver) is a white male with short brown hair, sideburns and a
hoop style earring in his right ear.

Suspect #2 (passenger) wore a black ski mask, dark nylon jacket, tan boots.

Suspect vehicle is describe as a 4-door, full size, grey car with rust around the passenger rear wheel well, a grey cloth interior, and the gear shifter is on the column. The vehicle also had a UB hang tag.

Anyone with any information is requested to please call the University Police at 645-2222.

Please remember there is always safety in numbers. Call the University Police to report any suspicious activities and please us the Safety Escort Program. Call 829-2584 for information.[/SIZE][/SIZE]



EDIT: damn you fry, always one step ahead!!! lol

I has b33r.

didnt really say anything the letter about it being a rape, but theyre saying on the news that it is rape too

Pretty good description on the guys and the car. Add in the fact that it’s got a UB hang tag, meaning it will probably be back around the campus, and I’m guessing these idiots will be busting pretty quick.


And then of course some dumb ass media professor hit reply all with:

I’m all for action, but for some reason that email just screams weaksauce to me. Maybe because it’s requesting a big action with no offer of involvement or something…


weak or not she is right. People get much too comfortable, secure, and apathetic. Girls, especially, need to be reminded constantly of the scumbag nature of the world around them. Its a shame that we seem to need events like this to motivate people.

wow that sucks

hopefully they catch these scumbags

i lol’d at the professors return email. theres like 023498023429-23981212 awareness “courses” for lack of a better word around school and orientation etc.

shitty though. hope they get b-fucked in the jammer

I Was just told the other day by one of my employees that over in Israel is you rape someone and get caught they cut your dick off.

Now that’s what should happen here, this slap on the wrist bullshit doesn’t cut it. Free room /board/food for a few years then good luck please don’t do it again.


off with there dicks!

wat fuckin scumbags…

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:13,topic:39739"”]

shitty though. hope they get b-fucked in the jammer


+1 …he will have to wear diapers because everything will just fall out his ass…


And then of course some dumb ass media professor hit reply all with:

I’m all for action, but for some reason that email just screams weaksauce to me. Maybe because it’s requesting a big action with no offer of involvement or something…


I had this teacher last year. She’s a fucking bitch.

that was a rape? hmph i didnt catch that when i read the email the other day, i was just thinking if she knew there was a hangtag it would have been more helpful to memorize the hangtag Number…


that was a rape? hmph i didnt catch that when i read the email the other day, i was just thinking if she knew there was a hangtag it would have been more helpful to memorize the hangtag Number…


Too bad she didn’t grab the tag either. But after what she went through…
Hope they catch the scum.