Albany police spokesman to appear in court on DWI charge

from what ive heard this isnt the first incident with this guy driving drunk, or under questionable sobriety. im glad he got busted finally.

ya good i dont like that bs, if i can get my life fucked over driving drunk without my lights on, why should he get it any easier? fuck that

Karma punched this dood in the face HARD! harder than i punchisized Waynes face right out of his garage!

or common sense, same reason why every low end dealer doesn’t end up doing jail time, can’t put every criminal in jail, just not enough room.

common sense says dont drive drunk.

oh there is room. low end dealer? drugs are drugs man.

volume and type of narcotic have huge weights on the punishment.

a small amount of pot wont get you much more than a violation. but a small amount of coke, bagged for sale, will land you behind bars.

a few ounces of pot, bagged up ready for sale also could get you jail time.

Every ticket is at the discretion of the arresting officer. This officer called in his superior to get his input on what to do with this situation.

yep. i wonder who the arresting officer was. i know a couple albany cops, aside from TD. either way, someone was not pleased with this man.

John Crossman was arresting officer, went to school with his twin sons. A sergeant (articles did not disclose name) was called to the scene to oversee arrest.

I wonder if he’s going to call Tom Anelli.

The officer followed protocol. As soon as you flip the lights the cars record video from a certain amount of time prior to turning on the lights and every traffic stop is voice recorded for officer safety as well. The guy did his job like he was suppose to

Who pulls over a marked vehicle? No one

it was a department issues un-marked car, so either a charger or a Vic.

but everyone knows what they look like. someone had it out for this guy. but hey, dont drink and drive. especially in a company vehicle.


The DWI guy~ :lol

May be he already did, I think he pleads not guilty.

yes he plead not guilty


This should make everyone think twice about driving drunk and throwing a cops name around that you know. Obviously, some cops do not give a fuckkkkk.

Unless that cop is family or a good close friend and a high rank, I would not mention just a friend at all, makes you look like a retard and will more than likely piss off your cop friend

lol i never understood that

“heres my card… when u get pulled over… just use this and u’ll be allllllllsettttt”


automatic headlights ftw

That does work to an extent