Albany Saratoga Hangover 100 enduros Jan 5, 2008

I don’t know about you, but I am really looking forward to getting back in the seat of my enduro car. For me, ice and snow add a special attraction to it!

Saturday January 5th, 2008 will be another legendary Albany Saratoga Speedway’s Hangover 100 winter enduro racing event.

Hangover Racing! 1:00 p.m.


50 laps Rear Wheel Drive
50 laps Front Wheel Drive

The payout was announced today. Not too shabby, Each class’ 50 lap race will be:

$500 Win
$200 Second
$100 Third

Gates open at 11:00 a.m. racing starts at 1:00 p.m.

More info at

I also found out that the first January A-S enduro was in January of 1998.

That means this year’s event will be the 10th annual!

Here are a few pics from the 2006 event by DC,

Anyone know the winning driver’s name?

Looks like a blast

omg that would be so much fun.

There’s on in Ransomville too. I’ve always wanted to get a beater to race with. Everyone and anyone can race.

I’m going to Ransomville again this year, to watch. Again, I didn’t get a car lined up to drive.

Billy Bob Yoder?

Hmm, maybe. His name is new to me. I will find out for sure next week. I just ordered the Bobco Video dvd of both the 2005 and 2006 events. I already own the 2007 and will prepay Bob at the race next weekend for the 2008.

Less than 24 hours before the green flag folks. It’s been cold here and the nicely plowed snow covered track should have a nice hard base. Even better is the temps will rise to the mid 30’s just in time for the race on Saturday!

The “boys” have been busy with all the snow…
All systems are go!!!

See you January 5th…

so wait how much to enter? if its 100$ to just show up.

Read the first post again. :wave:

I went to the Ransomville Hangover on the 1st. The most redneck thing I have ever done, and by far a blast. I want to run next year for sure.

From last year’s event:
In the 50 lap RWD class, Danny Ody’s Caddy started on the pole, led the first 21 or so laps, and appeared to be on his way to the win. But he was eventually passed by Chris Bousta [spel?] on lap 22 in a black and white Chevy Caprice ex-police cruiser. I’d say the ex-cop car’s much lighter curb weight and limited slip diff gave it an edge on Ody’s classic big American iron. Danny stayed close in second until lap 30 when his left rear tire went down. He lasted 5 more laps until the tire came off of the bead. He then took her into the pits. The car was perfect otherwise. I hope he will give it another go tomorrow.

my buddy jim and his brother compete every year in a monte carlo i believe. i always want to go but i work all new years eve every year.

Pics just came out, courtesy of A-S Speedway.
I’d like to thank the Albany Saratoga crew for putting on a great event for us all yesterday. Track prep was great and I was impressed with how closely the tech guys checked everyone’s tires for rules compliance. Last year’s FWD winner John Rayome was one of them. Thanks for helping out John!
Congrats to Danny Ody, [who was runner up last year in this race], but brought home the gold yesterday in the RWD division!
Action during the FWD race. When ice racing on unstudded tires, it is said that “slower is faster”. The snow banks were pretty big and very soft. Those who carried a bit too much speed into a corner ended up in the banks.
Dan’s '69 Caddy is sporting a 502 cubic inch engine under the hood. Danny didn’t open those huge secondaries in his Rochester Quadrajet all day. He knows all about the “slower is faster” deal. :wink:
The same cannot be said for Derrick McGrew and his similar '69 Caddy seen in the snow bank. I am told he ended up there in just the second lap!

The entire day was awesome. From the close racing, to the warm [for January] windless weather, to the great track prep. However I can’t understand why the car count was down? Only 26 cars in FWD and 10 in RWD? I think 66 cars started in FWD alone last year at this race and it was a much colder day at last year’s event!

Can anyone offer an opinion as to why this was? I’m completely baffled.

Looks like a great time.

Indeed it was. I wish there was another winter enduro event in Feb or March. CVRA used to have the Ground Hog 100 at Devil’s Bowl Speedway just over the border in VT. I wish they still did!