Albino deer in East Aurora

This one chills on Fairlawn Ct. near the east branch of Caz Creek.
My brother-in-law shot it with his cell phone.

When I bought my land My neighbor told me there were a bunch on my land but I have seen none in 2 years.

very cool…

there always use to be on hanging around Sheridan between the youngs and transit area back in the day, but haven’t seen it in years…

looks like hanging around a main road finally got the best of the rare deer.

SHOOOT IT! Its worth money and its delicious

nice…i have never seen any up here

there is some at the dear fram in lancaster Pa.

that looks like one of those fake stone deer… however i have heard of this also so i dont doubt your claim


The lice hate the sugar…

Come on now, white doe tastes better than regular? It’s all gamey tasting I bet…

The natives say, “Do not kill anything white”.

He first saw regular deer and thought the white one was a statue until it moved.:biglaugh:
I have heard that most people that live there have seen it around.


Thats way too cool to kill it. If you do kill it, I hope its white ass ghost haunts you.

Put its white head on your mantel? Does it have red eyes?

and venison jerky is some of the most delicious meat

thats very sweet,

pretty neat, I was lucky enough to see one when I was 13 out in wheatfield.

hahahaha. argh! thats right by rendyx’s house!

I was going to mention that but, I couldn’t remember Pat’s screen/user name, he hasn’t posted in a while.

Very cool deer!

it might not be a Albino it could just be a white deer since there are some around.

That nuclear place by springville is all fenced off, there are TONS of albino deer in there… Thats an inbreeding festival of fun… Reminds me of the time I went over to Zong Place, his family tree is like a totem pole


good camo for him right now.

(well not in that pic)