Alcohol solves EVERYTHING!!!

So yea. After the shit day I had, I’ve decided to drink my troubles away… and quite frankly, its working great. However, the only person I had here hangin around with me just left so now I’m drinking alone… but my dog is here so TECHNICALLY i’m not drinking alone. Good times.

Ok, random, bored posting over. Random discussion may begin.:ahh

Been drinking since 1 today idk why

you take the test today?

Drinking as we speak. Pinnacle gummy= no fucking joke.

I’ve been drinking since around 11. I’ve had a pretty shitty day. First my good friend’s brand new trailer that he let me borrow decided to hop off the ball and hit the back of my truck. Not a ton of damage, and I fully plan on completely fixing it, but I still feel like shit. Still don’t know what caused it to come off the ball. Then I climb up on my roof to throw a temporary reasealing on it and found that it might need to completely be replaced. Yea, life is great right now. lmao

I finished off about 1/4 bottle of captain and working on the next handle as we speak…

Nope totally missed that


I took the test kev. Then proceeded to start drinking with Haffy and Chris promptly at 1 pm.

Oh yeah? Well fuck you ******



This is now a drinking at kkd tavern thread.


Hey man… got a big box of porn for yah

alcohol solves nothing, it just gives you a giant fucking headache as you deal with the issue at hand the next day

Shut up jon get out of here with your logic