Alert scary white van no additional info.

Click link for additional info/trolling.

We’ve reached the point where people report suspicious activity to a news channel facebook feed instead of calling the police.

the mob mentality, along with grammar / spelling mistakes make me facepalm.

WGRZ in a nut shell:

“Next up on Channel 2 News, find out how Robert Downey Jr became the latest celebrity to have ties with WNY”

“Robert Downey’s sister-in-law’s college roommate, married a guy who used the rest area at Angola while driving to Toronto from Pittsburgh in 1978”

Great now i’m gonna get pulled over when I drive the work van.

I will say WGRZ is the most aesthetically pleasing News broadcast in Buffalo. Whoever does their graphic design and what not does a good job.

Lol the comments are hilarious, guy was probably sleeping… I see a lot of these vans at work I think I’m going to report it to channel 4…

LMFAO…just added a comment :smiley:

That’s Gannett’s national graphic design. The song “this is home, oooohhhh ooooh ahhhh” and everything is a cookie cutter layout/design/theme throughout the country.

I can’t even count how many times people called the police on me when I was into residential construction while I was sitting there waiting for the homeowner to get home…

Yet now I have to go look at schools / public buildings for various projects and no one has yet to question me… You would think a random guy walking around an occupied school taking pictures would raise some flags lol.

LOL Newman’s comment!!


Jean jacket = OK
White Van = OK
Jean jacket + Van != OK.

When I see suspicious vehicles on my street, I walk out and stare like a responsible adult.

If the truck like that only shows up during school arrival/dismissal times call the police, and school.
Most contractors I know have white vans… I’m going to ask them all to stop hitting up the schools.

Also if you raised your kid not to be a fucking idiot, then you shouldn’t really have much to worry about.

This video may help.

post that to the FB… They should love it

What a creepy, creepy video. Oh, Onion.

Instant god status to whoever has the balls to link that video first

Give it to Newman^^

Good call on the vid. Posted.

Newman wins.


Bravo Newman. You trolled that pretty hard. I made a post obviously too late for fun, but FUCK those people are ignorant. This is why you live on Mineral Springs, you have zero intelligence.