Alert scary white van no additional info.

That just got really weird…

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clearly black chicks dont like anal … lol

Bahaha I was wondering who that was. I bet she actually LOVES anal.


How do you think she makes all dem chubz?

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“Chubmaker Montanez We win=100 pervs= negative 0”

Oh Chubmaker, how the public schools have failed you.

Divide by zero.


THESE PEOPLE VOTE. Well, maybe not, but they probably have the ability. And they can procreate.

And do, frequently it seems. Almost makes me feel bad for not wanting kids. Sorry world, your eventual doom is as much my fault as theirs.

I had to come into work tonight (stupid OC-48 outage), and i just keep laughing like an idiot at her name. “Chubbymaker”…it will be my new definition of an oxymoron haha

I’d like verified proof of her making said chubs. If true, I’d make a very large bet that they were of the african american variety

no way. She makes no chubs. Minus her own fat ass. She definitely ate a few too many corn dogs.

LOL apprently the “creeper” is back at it! So let me get this straight, this “guilty” man was caught, arrested, then let go…and IMMEDIATELY goes back out to stalk kids?

Sounds like yet another honest, blue collar man is going to be harassed tonight and even more of our taxpayer money is going to be wasted.

      • Updated - - -

And now it looks like all the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. Apparently some 17 year old girl is missing in kaisertown AND a white van was spotted…dun dun dunnnnn!

WGRZ is blowing up with clucking hens. I personally called the district A police station (their non-emergency line), and like we all know, said there was no foul play at hand. Shockingly no missing report file was ever written up tonight either, bitches gotta bitch i suppose.

You guys must not have daughters!

My wife was threatened. It’s cool, these things happen

Ugh. Fun is over. Deleted.


I should clarify, as the timing of this post suggests I was targeting non-chubmaker & crew. I meant all of the crazy broads in there.

That was the best thing on facebook in a long time.