Alert scary white van no additional info.

I’ll bet by alerting the shools, she posted it to the school PTA facebook page that no parents actually read.

Would it make the news?

I would bet if I just stood there it would get more attention than if I actually took the leap.


Oh, and BTW…That is cyber bullying and when I do jump off a bridge, I am going to have my parents sue you for making me do it!

No you won’t because you’ll be dead.

But not forgotten…there will be a big candle light vigil…I will get my own ribbon color and honorable day, week, or month for my sad story. People will # on twitter as some sort of icon who stood for something and just couldnt stand up to the big bad internet bullies.

I will be immortalized by being weak minded. What a world

Keep your bridge jumping talk over in the bridge jumping thread. THIS THREAD IS FOR THE KIDS!!!

Do you carry teddy bears around and host a radio show?

There is another story about a girl missing in North Tonawanda and these are some of the comments posted below it…all serious of course…Oh and the story also states that she is probably with someone she knows…

Guy in South Buffalo mid 40’s white with camo ball cap trying to take children

Maybe its that white van everyone is posting about I pray not hope for safe return

I work at a school, anyone have a white van I can use?

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They said they know who the girl is with in NT however…

You looking for a job or what?

      • Updated - - -

Damn it, I added that too. These people are rediculous!!


I got an extra van…

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You should post that on a news fb page. Spotted 2 white vans ON MY DESK…DUN DUN DUN

Fun fact: These are stress relievers given to me by insurance companies. I’ve used them more reading threads about white vans than anything else.

I love that Aurora Brew Works just randomly liked Mike’s Craigslist ad of “virtual registry of kidnappers and pedos” comment hahaha

I had to throw in my 2 cents now as well -.-

This story was actually on channel 7 tonight…It was basically “Be on the lookout for a white van, but we really don’t know why”

So this is going around all the local schools directly related to this idiot from facebook :lol:

I’m honestly not surprised…have you seen who is in charge of the BPS? They will believe anything!

I was ready to take a picture of a guy in a truck last night while out with the kids.

Then i realized, he was probably just poor.
I also was going to take pictures of all the creepers in their homes just standing in the windows looking out, but I did not want to get my phone wet.

Sorry neighborhood moms.

Halloween: the one time a year it is perfectly acceptable for grown men to invite kids to their door to give them free candy.