Alignment specs needed

Hey, Im looking to have my car aligned in the next week, I want to have the specs in front of me before anyone touches it, If anyone has the resourses to get me all the STOCK align. specs that would be awsome:

FWD 3000GT/Stealth Non ECS



Alignment shops aren’t allowed to do anything that’s NOT factory spec and you must sign a waiver if you request anything out of spec.

they have it on the alignment machine program

if you lowered your car stock specs will not equal correct. also every alignment machine has specs. i can get um if you really want them

i can print it for you thats it

Im aware that many machines have the specs on there, but I want to know them, becasue I dont want to argure with a tech becasue they claim its in spec, but in reality the print out proves its still off, and I belive that it should equal factory spec lowered or not.

Oh come on Ian, you and I both know factory spec will be off on your lowered car.

Yeah its way off now, but It should be in spec when aligned properly, caster, camber i would think atleast

Most McPherson strut cars have no adjustable camber.

Camber correction is made properly by camber plates. Camber can also be adjusted by camber bolts, slotting the strut at upper of the two strut/hub bolt tab, or by slotting the strut tower.

Slotting can slip, so if using this method assemble the the strut with an addition washer, align the car, take of the wheel and weld in the washer to make the alignment permanent.

In other words don’t be surprised if the tech says he can’t do the alignment to spec.

Well, the car has both Adj. rear camber and toe arms, there are plenty of slammed 3S’s perfectly in spec, I’ll be completely honest I dont know a whole lot about the alignment process, But I dont know that many people run slammed cars and have had them put right to spec, more specificly 2 3S owners on this board run the exact same suspension setup as me and have their cars right in spec, It shouldnt be a problom. But I do want to make sure that Im not fed a line of crap about how it cant be done.