All that is MAN!

pumping gas when it is 14 degrees in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals while smoking a cig.

Or ridiculously hilarious.

waking up to a massive hangover to look outside and see your car parked in the lawn sideways with donut marks

after working outside in this weather, and going inside to pee…grabbing your penis without hesitation, fully aware of the shock you’ll receive from the bitterly cold hands…takes a real man to just grab hold and let fly…none of that pussy footin around, rubbing your hands together to get them warm, or holding your pee to let hot water run on your hands for a bit…fuck that shit, whimp

Doing valet, in an unzipped light jacket, in a blizzard, chain smoking cigarettes, without gloves or a hat, for 8hrs, and having customers constantly say “what the hell is your problem?”

^^^^ hahaha

snot rockets

Belching words

Backing into and knocking down your friends mailbox, getting out, covering the tire tracks, and driving away…

you’re turning this thread into your personal confessional…

Driving into a handicapped parking spot, knocking the sign down with your bumper, getting out, covering it with snow and walking away


And this is no confessional, its a commentary about my manliness…

Haha, i have done that also.

Real men just let it fly. Holding is for pussys, and porn addicts.

waking up with a hangover and grabbing another beer

wow… that is all man right there


The stack of blue should have been Old Milwaukee.

hahahahahah, the p-shop turned out so well. it started so simple but when me and kcuv put our chest hair together it really came out great


new background