All you mofo's that wear baggy pants.......


Personally, I’d rather see them legislate ghetto culture somewhere more visible. Maybe start holding parents criminally responsible for their child’s action until they’re 18. Your 16 year old gets caught with an illegal weapon, or selling drugs, and not only do they go to jail but so do you. You might see a lot more parents get involved with their kids education then, and the ghetto mentality of education being lame would disappear. Once that happens, no one would want to dress like that.


Because that stuff only happens in the ghetto right? No suburban kids in trench coats sneaking A-Ks into the cafeteria to shoot it up right? Their parents shouldn’t be held accountable for their stupidity? No suburban kids weeded out and on ecstasy running people off the road right?

No kids in suburbia selling drugs, going to jail, right? All that stuff is “ghetto mentality”. It’s all those ghetto kids and their baggy pants. :bloated:

Suburban culture is totally trouble free. :tup: