All you mofo's that wear baggy pants.......

So many thoughts and arguments in this thread.

But you know what…good…

I don’t want to see other guys underwear. It truly DOES look ridiculous, and anyone who argues that needs to have their head examined. You can’t even make the statement that it’s comfortable either bec. picking up your pants off your knees every 3 steps is NOT comfortable. And I will prob. silently judge you too. So will everyone else, even if they don’t admit it. There’s a lot of dresscodes I feel this way about though too. When I see suburb kids in their designer clothes and sandals, driving the new cobalt their parents bought them, listening to avril lavigne, wearing their sunglasses when it’s not even sunny out, I often wish they would get hit by a truck.

But that’s all I’ll say. None of this will change my day, either way.


Q: who are the main wearers of these baggy pants?
A: young african american males…yes other people do wear baggy pants but 90% of those wearers are black


Please post a link to where you got that statistic from, and how the data was objectively gathered.

Get over yourself. This isn’t about whitey keeping the black man down. It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with not letting kids emulate a look that’s associated with criminals of all colors. If you want to claim that looking like a criminal is a black thing, then you really need to stop being such a racist. Thugs come in all colors.

OK back on topic: So does this mean that there will be a lower circle of hell for the bitches of bitch cops? Can you imagine actually getting assigned to fashion police?!

And yeah, passing this law would set an awful precedent. Public nudity being illegal is the limit to what the government can tell me to wear or not wear. I don’t wear baggy pants, but the day it’s illegal is the day I’ll start.

Al sharpton FTW!!!


The fact of the matter is if something walks like a duck and talks like a duck it isnt a fucking bluejay

I lol’d hard at this, I don’t even know why


you sir are a got damn genius…
Q: who are the main wearers of these baggy pants?
A: young african american males…yes other people do wear baggy pants but 90% of those wearers are black

like i said earlier if it was about cleaning up america goth/emo clothing would be included in this law now wouldnt it? Or any other type of dress that is found offensive or distracting like uggs or crocs or girls just dressing like sluts.

The fact of the matter is if something walks like a duck and talks like a duck it isnt a fucking bluejay

But i know you know me and you know what im about so you can make a statement like that.


80% of you’re posts you say something about racism. :deadhorse:
We get it dude. And BTW racism will exist for the next century if not more, you’re not going to change it. So get over it and move on with you’re life.

Never understood the point in wearing baggy pants, its like being one armed.


yay, more government parenting.


somobody has to do it.


AGREED. Some one needs to fucking parent in this trailer park country because the real parents are not doing shit. Free speach and free to let the assholes act like assholes and establish lower and lower standards for American society. Kids learn from what they see… and what do they see in Music and TV all day. These fucking low-lifes.

About time someone raises the standards here.


First off it is good that these people aren’t as well taught as some of us. That allows someone to work the low end jobs that we all need. If everyone had a master’s degree who would want to work at McDonald’s? So Darwin and I saw, excellent. Let these people think that it is cool to be dumb. Let them work in fast food or at the mall all their lives. Thats cool with me, just don’t raise minimum wage on me ok? If you want more in life you have to go get it. Nobody hands me life on a silver platter, if your parents sucked, show them up and do something good in life.

On a side thought i hate how the government tries to control everything. Old people annoy me, lets have them gassed. Oh yah the noise an airplane makes annoys me, so we should outlaw that too. WTF FREE AMERICA FTMFW


AGREED. Some one needs to fucking parent in this trailer park country because the real parents are not doing shit. Free speach and free to let the assholes act like assholes and establish lower and lower standards for American society. Kids learn from what they see… and what do they see in Music and TV all day. These fucking low-lifes.

About time someone raises the standards here.


my 3 y/o says please and thank you.
i will not let my kids turn into trash, and they will not present
themselves as such.

she also said “she needs low fat cause she’s got a big butt”
while shopping in tops.

there is no easy way to make parents do well as parents.
i’m too busy to police other parents, but someone should.

going back a page: you guys act like there is some easy way to get people to attend and succeed at school. have any of you ever stepped foot in a public school?

a lot of people bash public schools and take their kids to private/suburban schools. then complain about the lack of educated youth in the inner city. well if the people who do care about the condition of their schools leave, then what’s left: those who don’t. “teachers paid just to show up and leave, noone succeeds.”

and I don’t want to see anyone’s ass either, but a law what kind of clothing you can wear? come on, that’s a joke. if people have a bare ass showing, cite them for lewd behavior. It’s legal to cite them. why make a law about pants?

btw when baggy/sagging pants were popular, very few people in the suburbs even skateboarded. it spread to skateboarding because people in the city were sagging/wearing baggy pants, so the skateboarders in the city started doing that too. stupid article and its pointless statements


Old people annoy me, lets have them gassed.




At the extreme end, wearing pants low enough to show boxers or bare buttocks in one small Louisiana town means six months in jail and a $500 fine.


Do they still get to wear the baggy pants there??

someone at work was telling me that prison is where that whole thing started. supposedly having your pants down past your ass was a “signal” that you were into getting it in the poop shoot

why in the hell would you want to emulate that? :lol:

the government should not be able to tell you how to dress. i dont care if we are talking about guys dressing as girls, girls dressing as guys, or however you want to wear said clothes. you cant legally enforce something like manners/taste.

next up, a law banning ebonics. no chewing with your mouth open. no running next to a pool.

slippery slope here.

it said in the article that it was due to inmates not being allowed to wear belts to prevent hangings

please ban ebonics, please please please


Personally, I’d rather see them legislate ghetto culture somewhere more visible. Maybe start holding parents criminally responsible for their child’s action until they’re 18. Your 16 year old gets caught with an illegal weapon, or selling drugs, and not only do they go to jail but so do you. You might see a lot more parents get involved with their kids education then, and the ghetto mentality of education being lame would disappear. Once that happens, no one would want to dress like that.


Because that stuff only happens in the ghetto right? No suburban kids in trench coats sneaking A-Ks into the cafeteria to shoot it up right? Their parents shouldn’t be held accountable for their stupidity? No suburban kids weeded out and on ecstasy running people off the road right?

No kids in suburbia selling drugs, going to jail, right? All that stuff is “ghetto mentality”. It’s all those ghetto kids and their baggy pants. :bloated:

Suburban culture is totally trouble free. :tup:

Maybe I should clarify “ghetto mentality”. It’s the mentality that the world is owed to you and that you’re above the rules of society. It’s the mentality that education is for chumps and being hardcore is cool. You can have it no matter what color you are, or where you live. This little bastard white kid who I almost run over at least once a week, in his baggy clothes, hat on sideways, with the attitude that he can walk down the middle of the road and cars should just slow down and go around him; yep, he’s got ghetto mentality. And one of these days I’m going to follow him home, punch his mom in the tits, and kick his dad in the balls because the government sure as hell isn’t doing it.

hahaha punch his mom in the tits!!!

too funny

Pics or ban.