All z car show in Buffalo Sat 8/11/07

My z club is hosting a car show in buffalo this saturday. Here are the details. There are a bunch of cars coming including some from canada.

This Satuday, August 11 is a unique event in ZCCR history. We will be hosting a Car Show in Buffalo, NY!

The event will be from 12noon to 4pm at the Sonoma Grill, 5010 Main St. in the Buffalo suburb of Snyder. Conveniently located just off the Buffalo NYS Thruway exit at the Rt. 290 Main St. Exit.

This event has been promoted in the Buffalo media and by the Buffalo area Nissan dealers.

We should have over 70 cars. A 71 240 with a ls1 will be there, a supercharged 350. etc.

i’m gunna bring my IROC Z and my buddy is down with his Z28!


This event has been promoted in the Buffalo media and by the Buffalo area Nissan dealers.


not very well

I’d go (to watch only) if I didn’t have family poop going on.

Its a datsun/nissan z car show not trailer park/van by the river z car show.

J/K. I actually like the irocs and may buy one to build a tt v8 project soon.

wish i still had mine. Sounds like a great event.

i was looking through the buffalo news classifieds for some reason last week and saw this advertised…

very very interested, but it ends at 4PM, and that’s right when i’ll be walking out of work :tdown:

maybe you can get the z guys to come by mighty later than evening lol…

What time do people start going to mighty? It might be an option. I haven’t been to buffalo in a while for racing. Both motors for my turbo z’s are at the machine shop so i won’t have a car there. We might stick around a little bit after. You might want to swing by and see if we are still there.

hey,w hat’s your name? I’m in the zccr also.

my z is off the road (72 240) but my uncle will be there, he’s got the red 73 with dual webers, flared fenders, and g nose. my dad will be there in the gunmetal one, with gunmetal valve cover

sucks I can’t be there though. btw if anyone needs 240 parts i have 2 parts cars

I saw this on other Z forums. Too bad my Z is in the shop right now :frowning: But i will show up to watch.

I am Brian Mellor. I have a 88t and a 86t. Both my cars are without motors right now. I am wating on pistons from weisco for one and I am getting the other one honed and hot tanked. We are trying to start a chapter in the buffalo area. I think that we have a dozen members from there already. I don’t know if I am going or not yet. I hate going to an event without a car and I could be working on eigher one instead. There should be some sweet cars there. A bunch of people are coming down from canada too.

I’ll swing by if I can :tup:

EDIT: And what dealerships are supporting this?


I wonder if there will be other 80’s sport hatches there as well? Wonder if any of them would be interested in an 80’s car meet in the next few weeks?

I will probably show up just to check out some zzz’s. I hope I dont get bashed for bringing a supra.

sorry Brian, going to SeAD to autox - you know me, not much of a show-car guy…

josh, nate and i went; was an okay turnout. ill have a pics up tomorrow.

I got there about 3pm and only a few cars left. I stay for like 3 minutes then left.

Yeah I didn’t end up going. I had to work instead. I heard it was a decent turnout.

I went to look at em. Nice cars. Not many tho. Maybe 12?