Allen Wong

someone on here was spot on when they said you can make loot making iphone apps lol… Youngest lambo Aventador owner, owns another lambo and is currently building annoother Aventador… Seems like a real good guy reading through his facebook and taking the time to take pics with little kids and even pick some poor girl up from school.

story of his success!/allenapp



I also own a part of Razzi LLC along with Robert Himler and Michael Fussy. I coded the app for their company in exchange for part ownership of the company. My app has been responsible for doubling Razzi’s user base after the apps first release (with over 10,000 downloads on the first day alone), and increasing Razzi’s new user sign-up rate by over 2000%.

Goes out with

Who was posted here

The Razzi guy had a lot of help from his father from what I recall and didn’t really make it until he was bought the Lambo and with that came so much attention and so many connections it was hard for him not to succeed.

The girlfriend from my brief understanding is only successful because of her direct circle and associations (Paris Hilton if you will) but is writing how to be successful books.

Either way power to them, but many of these stories are hardly what they seem on the surface.

Plenty of app developers out there who were in the wrong place, at the wrong time or know the wrong people who aren’t ranking it in.

Was me that said you can make bank

There is A LOT of people who have zero respect for Robert Hilmer. Look around Luxury4Play, there’s a several hundred page thread about him.

Derek Walker (autofocus photography) on here knows Allen. Derek was part of the multiple Aventador shoot, Triventador and Quadventador.

Relevant enough

17 year old - sold the app for $30 million

Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Just Sold An iPhone App He Started In High School for $30 Million


I know really nothing on the backstory but am I correct in understanding that he’s hardly “self made from the start”?

Here’s page 201;

Basically Razzi was supposed to work like Flickr except, from my understanding, the photographer would get paid based on traffic. Similar to how YouTube works with advertising. Quite a few people ended up getting no money after several thousand hits or just 30 cents. Roberts “books” are often criticized as just a scam that’s aimed towards young kids (most of his fan base) and many argue that it clouds kids views with the ultimate life goal is owning a Lamborghini.

You’ll see Roberts nick name pop up as Robert Him-Liar.

Jezus, that’s almost as bad as here. Internet detectives.

Regardless seems like the vast majority of people on there are right. Its fair to assume many of them are truly self made and value that aspect and don’t appreciate it when a hot shot comes along and doesn’t give credit to his true roots and people that helped him.

Very true.

Reading back through that thread, an issue of multiple counts of copyright infringement in his book came up too.

We all know money can go as quick as it comes and Lamborghini dealerships offer financing so things aren’t always what they seem. But back to the original topic, yes. If you get the right app like Allen made (police scanner app) then you’re all set.

I’m good friends with Allen, and he’s nothing like Robert. That thread on L4P brings out a lot of bad things about Robert, and nothing about Allen. He’s a stand up guy who loves sharing his car with people. Allen’s 100% self-made from a very poor family. Robert on the other hand…

As large as the car community is, certain people stick out. Robert is one of them. :lol

Like a sore thumb :lol

Good for him.

My mom and her family grew up DIRT poor. I grew up in the lower class, but she did her best. When she left this world she made sure I would be better off then she was. I invested most of mine so that either A) I can retire early and enjoy my life or B)If I have a family we can live a comfortable life.

I still live cheap as fux, buy store brands (aside from toilet paper- you really get what you pay for) and bought a used car even though I could have went out and bought a lambo

Allen is the same way. Sure he has a Lambo, but he is smart with his money, and doesn’t like wasting any. I respect that a lot…

in before EvilZR1 comes back from the depths of the cave and claims we are all just jealous.

I dont care how smart, or how hard you worked at something to get out of the middle class, if you started with NOTHING and maintain a level of diginity you diserve a medal of honor. If you were given even half a deck of cards right from the get go and manage to play them right and win big, you better be 100% greatfull and show it every moment you can.

That’s a great article to see a kid who came from NOTHING, worked hard and became self-made millionaire.

i have the 5-0 app, it’s awesome