Allergies - Can I get them @ 24?

I think I started to have allergies last year. This is the 2nd time since January that I’ve been sick. Both times I felt it coming once we had decent weather.

This fucking sucks.

yes, I just started getting them last year.

Generic claratin, 4 dollars at walmart.

Thanks justin.

I’m still up.

Departed is a good movie, not great but good.
Yes Man is next.

I think you can get them at any age. It seems like I have picked up a few in the last few years. Weird.

This sucks.


I feel like such a zombie.

anyone that knows me knows i have terrible, terrible, allergies.

ive been taking zyrtec the last month or two, and havent had any symptoms this year…

Sorry about the HIV.

you’re 24, really?

I get allergy shots and I don’t have any symptoms at all, even during peak season.

24? I’m 27 and finally admitted that pollen fucks with me. :gotme:

Yea mine kicked in around 20. I take singulair daily and have been much better.

I was last year… when I thought I was experiencing symptoms.
