Anyone else been having bad allergies this year....?

Well I’m not usually the one to ask questions of NYSpeed that are non-automotive related, but I do wanna ask this:

Who else has had horrible allergies this spring/summer?

I ask this because the past 3 months I have been in and out of the doctors office for sinus infections. They told me on average that having 4 sinus infections due to allergies in a single year is normal. I have had 9 (or 1 continuous one, depending on how you look at it)

Today I had enough and I went to a ENT (Ear, Nose Throat) Doctor to see what he had to say. In the past I was put on Amoxicillin (sp?) and the infection would go away after a week, but this time it came back full force.

Long story short, he told me that having cryptic tonsils (lots of tiny spaces in your tonsils that can harbor bacteria/viral infections) can lead to serious sinus infections and hinder your immune system from preventing it.

So as it sits right now, I have tonsilitus and an acute sinus infection. Basically…it feels like im swallowing glass and somone is stepping on the left side of my head 24/7

Anyone ever have experiances with dealing with either cases of bad sinus infections or tonsilitus as it pertains to my situation?


my allergies were awful last year, not as bad this year i feel like the rain has helped a lot, unfortunately. plus i haven’t been out golfing as much either. i never had problems with allergies until i was like 22-23, i feel like it’s just something that gets worse as you get older.

same here. last year my I got rocked by my allergies but this year I havent had any problems (knock on wood).

i used to have terrible allergies, i used to have to take weeks off of work. i had sinus surgery a few years back and am nothing but pleased with the results.

my sinus feels like my face is going to explode ugh its been like this all summer, or what ever you call this season

i had the worst allergies i’ve ever had for the first month of summer. post-nasal drip, runny nose, sinus headaches, the works. then all of a sudden, they went away. i still wake up stuffy 2 or 3 times a week, but it usually goes away after a few hours.

My allergies have been horrible this year, Claratin has been my best friend.

Post nasal drip, the whole nine yards ever since those damn cottonwood fuzzy things began flying around lol

claritan hasn’t worked for me at all this year but I’m on a new nasal spray called Patanase which seems to be working wonders already, I’ve only been on it 3 days now too

btw tonsilitis is probably the most painful thing I’ve experienced to date. Ughh lol

I had my tonsils removed when I was in 11th grade, and haven’t been sick as much since. Did the dr suggest a tonsilectomy?

My allergies this year have been awful. Some nights I just want to lay there with a cold compress on my eyes/sinuses and sleep. Every morning for the last couple weeks, I wake up with my sinuses clogged and my eyes all watery and itchy. It sucks.

^I went for a Rapid Strep Test today so I have a paper trail incase they decide to go ahead with a tonsilectomy, apparently it’s harder and harder to get it done now for some reason.

They said the tonsils can be a direct cause to many sinus infections because of the ear/nose/throat all being interconnected

stuffy a lot more this year, and also rubbing my eyes 20 times more! this weather has sucked!

Of course it depends on the person, but getting those evil little pieces of tissue removed was probably one of the best things I’ve done for my health. Good luck with everything, hope you feel better :slight_smile:

mine were crappy this year!!! when the waether changes from hot to cold constantly my nose gets cloged and i get massive headaches

I have never had seasonal allergies until this year…