Alright bitches! (SEMA)

Straight gangsta!!

Gangsta perhaps, straight is questionable though :stuck_out_tongue:

oh christ…

what a week though.

that picture is at the hoover dam btw… arizona / nevada border.

Hell this makes me want to go back to CES again this year for free.

PAS Mag pics are up too

Maybe I’ll post the afterhours stuff on my cam with Justene :slight_smile:


i dunno if its just me

but theres a lot of people going for the flat colors now
“matte” according to my NFS game


but dave, you’re in ontario in that pic…

anyways… i cannot beleive how much stupid americans love mustangs…

that Shelby GT was very slow and very bad on gas. It weighed 4550 lbs… WTF???

that is 1650 lbs more than my car tipped the scales at with driver and half tank of gas…

And yet for some reason people were taking pictures of the car, asking to sit in it, telling me they wanted to trade their Infinity G35 for it… people are idiots.

Mind you, i did very much enjoy ripping around in a nice convertible for the weekend in Vegas… it was worth every penny.

The people at work will be talking about it for a while. I ended up taking the President of the company for a stroll down Las Vegas blvd. on friday evening. All of the executives have been prodding me about it all week. It was incredible.

it doesn’t weigh 4550 you silly noob

Yeah it does - said so right on the door sticker

the door sticker tells you the gross weight which is the curb weight + max allowable weight (passengers and cargo)

it’s not 4550lbs curb i guarantee it

that is possible i guess, but i did look and that is what it said:

this is the only info i can find on this specific car:

Curb Weight: Coupe - 3920 LB (1780) K Convertible - 4040 LB (1834) Khia

so its a few hundred lbs. lighter than i thought.

Hehe ya. I didn’t get any pics in the IS-F or the M-Coupe on the new Goodyear F1 Supercar tire down in Vegas.

For the record…the LS-F is friggin gangsta. First Lexus that will really raise your pulse, well stock one anyway.

Mustang GT LOL you know a companies identity is lost when they start reaching bak like that. Thats like pulling your old high school football jersey over you morbidly obese body to try and get chicks.

wrong again

those are GT500 numbers not Shelby GT

mike, are you actually concerned anyways?

it sucked, i’m over it.

i tried to search for it but stopped caring

haha no but i always love giving you shit

if i dont, who will?

but i do think the new stangs deserve more credit than you are giving em

it sucked bad… it would need another 150hp before it was faster than my car…

dont get me wrong. I enjoyed driving it very much and i dont regret renting it for a second. But when people say’ “was it fast?” the answer is “NO!” it was very slow.

it was more fun than my Kia Rondo, but that isnt saying much.

yeah i’m way late here but i uploaded and hosted a few pics from SEMA.

this titanium exhuast was really heavy, i could barely hold it up with a single finger…

Frankie and i go way back.


Some of hotels are soooo friggin big… you couldnt capture the entire facade with 3 pictures… This is half of the venetian. Caesar’s Palace is twice this big and the new Dubai-funded City Centre (new development in Vegas) is going to be even bigger. I swear these places can house over 100,000 people at any given time.


Danno, Mrs. Danno, my buddy Adam and me

Bing jr: Dad, who’s the weirdo in the blue jeans?

actually, that is your mom.