alright so here is my story

yes yes
that was most peoples reactions

lol, oh and i hope you have a decent wallet when it comes down to insurance.

insurance isn’t the best
im paying a ton
and its under my dads name
who is 51 years old
im afraid what it would be for an 18 year old

well im 19 and i was quoted at $400+ a month, under parent $273

400 + ?
thats insane
i hope its under your parents name
mines like 900 ish for 6 months
under my dads name

yeah im under my parents insurance… damn why is mine so high?? I still almost double you in price.

:shrug: hmmmm no idea

lol ehhh whatever, I still love the car, in snowy parking lots… love it more, but thats just my opinion haha

  • shower

the paint only sucks if u drive tailgating everyone, my front end is in perfect shape for an 03. i dont have any problems, steve if youre really serious about this give me a call when u go and look at one. i will go with u to make sure its not a beat up POS… buy one stock or close to stock as possible.

but yea good luck w/ insurance at your age lol

My insurance is not bad at all. $135 a month. 26 years old w/ a few tickets. I bought my Evo in Philly (thanx to Evo Sam for hooking me up) because Ray Laks and Dan Georger suck balls. I’ll say Subaru paint sucks. I haven’t had an issue with my paint yet.

yes yes totally
i got into an argument with a guy at ray laks because he didn’t know how many speeds the evo he was trying to sell me was
you would think someone trying to sell a 34 thousand dollar car would atleast have some knowledge
but yeah argument happened
and was told to shove it
oh and also the fact that i had to flip shit just to get to talk to someone about a car
something about being an 18 year old kid… car dealers dont take us seriously
so yeah
im just praying my car is good and i dont have to bring it there to get serviced
the service guys didn’t seem that bad but id like to stay away if i can :smiley:

DON’T and I cant stress this more, take your EVO to Dan Georger for service. I’ve delt with Ray Laks service dept. in the past and they seem ok. The sales people… well thats a different story.

thanks for the heads up
im just gonna take care of my car
and pray nothing goes wrong

see you at meets

Welcome. What do you have into your evo? or is it stock for now.

i bought it stock
and thats how it stands now
but soon i am doing a few minor things
nothing that big though

Welcome Aboard :wave:

Late bump for a fellow evo owner… also an 05, also named Mike…
Nice car and yes even married at 24 insurance was crazy for quotes although my wifey doesn’t have the cleanest record.
People think I take the car off the road for the winter… to keep it from salt, I do it to take a brake from insurance.
I also searched for my car but I wanted yellow because I’m gay… and SSL because I went from a Loaded Mini… to a mitsu… ended up buying it in Ohio

Your parents must really trust you to let you drive a car like that at your age. I would have been dead in 2 weeks if I had an Evo at 18. Don’t do anything stupid :slight_smile: