Altima Turbo

Alright i have finally decided to turbo the altima, slight problem…

Does anyone know who makes a turbo manifold for my car (possibly engine?)? I dont know if I can use the 240SX manifold, i mean it’ll probably bolt on, but space and etc.

Any help with this would be great, possibly other than looking at the Turbonetics kit that many sites seem to have avaible to them.

Try something like this, it will allow you to put the turbo where you want it.

You could always build your own Kit, I HIGHLY recommend reading a book by Corky Bell called “Maximum Boost” (you may have to order it online.) Also there is lots of guys on here who (I’m sure) would be more than willing to help you out with this, maybe pm SRBURG13 and ask him to chime in on this thread. Also if you went the DIY kit, contact and see what they have available for your car and as for the other parts such as piping and what not perhaps even contact and see what they might be able to do for you. Just some stuff I thought you might want to consider.