Am I an asshole because..

Gotcha. Want to know what pissed me off tonight (i’m sure you’ve had it happen)…I was on my last set of dumbell presses, and this dude that I don’t know, or even had acknowledged his presence decides to come over and spot me…and then he laughed when I did the set until failure?!

Then to top it off, the bitch that runs the shitty ass local gym bitched that I ‘dropped’ the weights, and the dude was like ‘yeah I tried to help him’ and laughed, like I’m a fucking beginner or something…

I know he was just trying to help but he was making himself look stupid to anyone thats been to the gym more then 5 times…but how do you tell someone that…you can’t really. Just gotta let them figure it out, thats if they lift more then 3 times and quit.