Am I an asshole because..

No, it’s about to start now.

75x9 last night on DB bench. Just started creatine last night so I’m expecting some accelerated gains soon. 80’s will go up within a few weeks.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Jab up. Test Prop FTW.

dude u make me giggle up a storm.

Not anytime soon. Diet+dedication>genetics. My testosterone level is naturally very low:(

You were there at some point.

Uhhh I dunno if I agree there.

Genetics > all.

Some guys have great genetics and can get HUGE.

I agree, but what I’m saying is that I’m doing everything that I can do to overcome my HORRIBLE genetics. It’s more impressive to me to see a guy making gains in the gym by hard work and diet, then some genetic freak that can just do whatever and make gains.

fellas, u can jab yourself with as much shit as u want but if u have a shitload of myostatin ur fucked no matter what. so until scientiests release the secrets to genetic enhancements, us regulars are fucked. DEAL with it!

Ah ok, I’m the same way. Wasn’t blessed with great genetics.

i was db benching 75’s prob about when i was 17.

Some guys are way ahead of others to begin with. Gains are impressive, no matter where you started from.

Yeah, and? I could only bench 95 lbs once (barbell) before I started lifting.

yes i know

myostatin is the key hormone here.

and u should come to the gym with me and lift sometime.

Why? I know you are much stronger then I am, I don’t need to see it in person. If it was to offer advice, sure I’d be game.

i dont need to prove anything. it was simply an invite to lift sometime. but hey if u are going to take it like that…

How am I supposed to take it, after you invite me to lift after you ‘chuckle’ at my progress and the weights that I use? Of course I’m going to question it.

I’m weak too… most I ever flat benched was 225 at my prime. I don’t work out anymore, I dont think I could do more than 135 for 5. I’m in the worst shape of my life. lol

Bah, I’m really happy being able to do 75lb dumbells, I couldn’t do 40s when I started.