AM Radio Problem

ok so basically i was jammin out to RJ on WGR55 with the TV muted the whole 1st period.

Next i get a call from Skunk and OfficerK saying there stopping over. So i figured id go shower before they got here. i leave the radio on,go and shower,and when i get out and come back to the living room its was 95% static with a pulsing sound. after they get here we tried every possible thing. all other Am stations work besides that. So OfficerK goes out to his car to see if it works for him and it was clear like whoa. I go upstairs and grab an older reciver and hook that up to another speaker and SAME THING! GE55 IS GAY @ MY HOUSE!

can anyone tell me why it worked perfect and then just went out and never came back? or how to fix this? i cannot go another game without RJ!

Ya the AM receving out that way sucks balls… the saim thing happens at my store on main & goodrich but you can sort of here the game :roll2:

Aurora borealis.

solar flares.


lol so why was my car able to pick it up and not his receiver?

It was the oddest thing.

Is it still doing it btw?

yes it is…i almost threw it through the window today

yea that was UBER gay…

i blame brian for taking a shower

ok well it worked fine again and i took a shower in between periods and once again it took a shit


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