Checko, GV1390, and myself are going down and meeting up with my good friend Bonacci01. I’ve reserved a spot in the swap meet area to sell some parts and camp out for the weekend. I should have something in the mail next week letting me know where my space is located…
Wondering who else will be in attendance…would be cool to slam some beers with some friends.
taking my truck down…hopefully we can find some time to get away from the event and take a little backroads ride once we’re down there…but that might be hard without having someone stay back to watch our stuff at the swap meet spot.
we’re pretty packed as it is with three guys, three bikes, and a bunch of totes of spare parts to try selling off, plus clothes/food/gear…if you want to camp out they have camping passes right on the website…ours is full at 4 people already…